Ch. 32 ~ Fighting Against the Blinding Sun

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*Dedicated to Caja Galla*

As I awoke a few mornings after my journey, the day had finally arrived when I would have to ride off toward Gondor and the final battles of Middle Earth. I had been sleeping in Arwen's room to make sure she was not alone in her weakened state. She was already awake and looking out the window at the water. When I stirred she moved her head toward me. It hurt my heart to see her so weak and helpless looking. She knew I had to go get ready so I helped her up and together we walked to the dining hall where everyone was assembled for breakfast. We ate in almost silence with an occasional worried glance at Arwen. After I was finished, Elrohir took over taking care of her as I walked slowly to my wing to prepare for battle.

As I walked into my sitting area, I was stunned into silence to see aunt Galadriel standing there in all of her regal beauty. She was standing in front of my bed smiling a sad smile. Then she stepped aside and I gasped at what I saw laying across my bed. It was a new suit of armor unlike anything I have ever seen before. I walked toward it without saying a word as I reached out and touched the precious metals and other elementals it was forged from. I saw immediately my familial symbols carved into it especially those of the sun. I looked at my aunt then with my eyes full of questions.

"My dear child, I know you have other armor but your last one brought you great pain which I cannot bear you witness again. This armor was forged from the same material as Altherial. The armor of Anor; you will understand how it will help both you and your steed in battle soon enough. You are not just helping out the fellowship anymore, you are fighting on behalf of the lands that run through your royal bloodline so the princess in you has to be reborn into an ultimate unwavering warrior with the proper armor. Therefore, I had this made as an official outfit to suit what you are about to face."

She finished softly as I continued to finger the armor; it was smooth just like Altherial and the runes were slight but visible. Before I could say anything she switched to Elvish:

"You have foreseen it, I know. Though you know not what it means. But you will get your wish if you still want it; you will face Sauron head on. The outcome however, is unknown."

"I am well aware of that. And yes I am ready to strike him down for all eternity and beyond regardless the cost. My only goal is to make sure Arwen lives."

"Wait! What? No!" We turned to see Arwen in the doorway looking frightened. I tried to go to her but she put her hand up and asked me to let her finish.

"That is not good enough cousin mine. Yes I gave away my immortality to the man I love but I will not sacrifice you. You are the only sister I have or will ever have. I repeat; I will not sacrifice you. I will not stand for it!" She said as tears started rolling down her cheeks and at that point I put my arms around her and soothed her.

"Neither will I." Uncle Elrond's voice sounded from the threshold. I closed my eyes and knew I had to be strong. Arwen then turned toward her father and started begging him:

"Ada, please do not let her go. Do not let her leave. She cannot go, please. I beg of you."

"She must go. It is who she is and as much as I loathe thinking of her getting harmed again or worse, she will get on that stallion of hers and ride off without telling us. So it is best if we bid her lightning speed here and let the gift of the new armor show her the way. She is doing this for all of us."

"Sweetheart, your ada is right. I am not going out there to die, I am going out there to fight so we can all live in peace and be rid of this evil once and for all. Do you really think I would go through all the trouble of falling in love and getting betrothed just to die at the hands of that Morgoth scum? I thought you knew me better than that?" She smiled a bit than as I spoke. And though I know I soothed her, my aunt knew differently. The possibility of my not returning was enormous. But Arwen did not need to know that.

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