Chapter 22

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I walk into Vivian's room to see her sitting infront of her vanity mirror while brushing out her hair. I close the door behind me and walk up behind her.

She stares at me through the mirror before pushing her dirty blonde hair back and standing up to face me.

"I think we both know why I'm here," I say, as she walks even closer towards me.

She makes a sour face at me, "Well, none of this would've happened if you hadn't married him."

"For the last time, I had no choice in this matter," I release a heavy sigh at her stupidity.

Suddenly, she lifts her hand up and slaps me across the face. My left cheek stinging and I could feel it turning red.

I lift a hand to my cheek and pull it back to see blood. Without thinking straight, I push her and she lands on the floor. I try to turn around to walk away but her hand latches onto my ankle, pulling me to the ground.

My knees, ribs, and elbows land right on the floor together, causing a loud bang. I let out a gasp of pain and stay on the ground. I look up and see Vivian standing above me before she kicks me in the stomach.

"How pathetic do you have to be to hurt your sister for a man?" I say while glaring up at her.

I hold onto my stomach as I get up and wipe the blood away from my cheek with the back of my hand. She backs away as I get up and start walking towards her.

She walks backwards until she's stopped by the wall behind her in the corner of the room. "You have nowhere to run now."

She takes a pocket knife our from her pocket and it was mine. "Seriously, why on earth do you keep taking my things for?"

"To use them against you of course," she says while holding it to my throat.

I laugh out loud, tears starting to form in my eyes. I sigh as the tears start to disappear. "Are you confident in being able to defeat me?" I say as I pull out a dagger from my pocket. It was another one that I had gotten since the other one couldn't be found on Issac.

I point it to Vivian's throat, just as she does. Both of us standing there, holding a weapon to the others neck, as the tension in the atmosphere increases rapidly.

And then she does the most unexpected thing I could've ever thought of her doing. She turns the pocket knife around, no longer facing my throat, but towards hers.

"All I wanted in this life was love, but I won't ever be able to gain it. So, what's the point in living if I can't succeed in something as simple as that?" She digs the knife into her skin, already causing blood to seep through it.

"No, don't do it. What do you mean you can't gain love? You've always had father's love with you," I try to take knife from her but fail.

"I want to fall in love with someone, not from someone who has to love me," she drags the knife across her neck as she falls onto the floor.

I grab a hold of her body and try to stop the bleeding, "I'm sorry," she says, trying to take a breath of air, "for everything."

Tears spill from my eyes and onto her cheeks. "Why? You didn't have to do anything to me, so why did you do it?"

"I'm sorry."

That was it. That's all she said. Those were her last words to me.

It felt like everything had stopped in that moment. I hold her limp body against mine, crying my eyes out that this is really happening. That I wasn't dreaming, that this wasn't just a figment of my imagination.

The blood stops bleeding out of her neck eventually. I don't know how long I've been holding her for, but it felt like for hours.

I should hate her. I know I should. She tired to kill me but ended up killing herself, just because she was empty of love.

I hear someone enter the room but at this point, I don't care. I don't care about anything else except for the body that I hold close to me.

"What did you do this your sister?!" I hear father's voice scream out in terror. I don't look up and stay there as father grabs the dagger from the floor beside me that had fallen from my hand.

I look behind me and see father about to use the dagger against me. I pull my arm over my face as it penetrates my forearm.

The pain in my arm too much for me to handle as I become dizzy. The arm holding Vivian goes loose as I feel faint.

I look down at the massive pile of blood, belonging to Vivain and I. I fall onto my back, my vision engulfed in darkness, but before I fall into it, I hear footsteps walking into the room.



I rush into the room to see Stefan sat next to Vivian's body, and Enid laying there, unconscious.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I scream out as Stefan turns to face me. I finally get a good look at Vivian and see a huge slit on her neck with blood all over the floor.

I turn my face to Enid and also see a pile of blood that was coming out from her arm that was stabbed. I run to her and fall onto my knees. I quickly take out a cloth from my pocket and wrap it around the dagger and press it onto the wound.

"Because of your wife, my daughter is dead!" Stefan shouts at me. I take a deep breathe before turning my body towards him. I look down and see a pocket knife in Vivian's hand that had been smeared with blood.

"Enid is also your daughter and judging by the knife in her hand, I can't help but assume that Vivian did this to herself," I exclaim as Stefan looks down at her hand.

"Maybe, your wife made it look like it was a suicide," he says, trying to put the blame on Enid.

"My wife has name, so would you stop calling her anything else but the name she has?" I say as I walk towards him. He gets up and we are now face to face.

I have a pretty good guess on who hurt Enid. I punch Stefan across the face as he falls onto the ground. I grab him by the collar of his shirt, "because of you, both your daughters are laying here. One probably dead and the other unconscious."

"Now, get out of here before I am responsible for your death," I throw him back onto the ground as he gets up and walks out the door.

I carry Enid in my arms and call for someone to help Vivian. I walk back to our room and put her down on the bed. I just now see that she had scratches on her left cheek.

Why does everyone love to hurt Enid when she did nothing wrong?

A doctor comes into the room and it was the same one as last time. "Thank you for coming again."

"It's quite alright but I just wanted to inform you that the other young lady has sadly passed away," she says while looking down at the ground as she sits down in the chair beside the bed.

She does the same routine she did on the other stab wound. As soon as she finishes up, she speaks to me, "take care of her highness."

I nod, "I will. No offence, but why do you care?"

"I've been taking of her since she was a child. Always having serious injuries on herself, but I wasn't allowed to ask about how she acquired them." She smiles at me before getting up from her seat.

"Thank you," I say to her, looking at the floor. I don't look up until I hear the door close behind her.

That stupid bastard keeps on hurting her when I'm not there. I look up at Enid and place my hand over hers, staring at her peaceful state.

I can't leave her alone anymore. I have to stay with her. No matter what.


                                           Author's note

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