Chapter 5

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I never thought that someone out there could love a difficult person like me.

I hate everything about this wicked world, the people out there who thinks it's okay to hurt innocent children and destroy their childhood.

My childhood was destroyed the minute my mother died.

I leave my room, leaving Elias behind, and start walking down the stairs.

Vivian came from behind and started to walk beside me.

"Just so you know, Elias is already fond of me," she smiles at me, wickedly.

"It's lovely how my husband is already getting to know you," I smile back at her.

She gives me a dirty look and stares at me, up and down.

I carry on looking forward, both of us walking in silence.

We finally reach the dining room and sit down, James sitting down in front of me and Vivian by my side.

Wait, has Elias not eaten yet?

"Excuse me for just a minute," I get up and walk back to my room, how careless could I have been, not knowing if my husband has eaten or not.

I walk quickly and reach my room. I open the door to find Elias laying on the bed and staring at picture in his hand.

"Elias, do you want to eat breakfast with the rest of us?" He gets up quickly at sound of my voice and puts the picture in his pocket.

"Yes, sure, I would love too," he smiles at me and I smile back.

"Come on then," I wave my hand to follow me.

He closes the door behind him and follows behind me.

"Why did you come back? You didn't have too," he looks down at me while catching up to walk beside me.

"I mean, you have to eat something. You can't go about your day if you have an empty stomach," I look up at him and give a small smile.

"Look at you, taking care of me," he says, laughing lightly.

"Is a woman not allowed to take care of her husband?"

"I should be taking care of you, after all I am supposed to be your protector," he chuckles.

So was my father.

We finally reach the dining room, and find them eating without us.

I sit back down in my seat while Elias takes a seat beside me.

I look at Vivian to see her eyeing him, with a smirk on her face.

"So, Elias tells me you both are getting along quite well," father starts to speak.

"Yes, we are," I carry on looking down at my food and playing with it.

"You do know food is supposed to be eaten, not to be played with," he speaks with a stern voice but not shouting at me like he usually does.

Is it because Elias is here?

"Sorry, father," I begin to eat my food, even if it did make me want to vomit.

"You don't have to force yourself to eat it," Elias whispers to me.

"What do you mean, it tastes amazing," I lie to his face even though I really shouldn't be.

"You're terrible at lying," he raises both eyebrows, not amused by my lie.

"You're right, it makes me want to puke," he laughs lightly at my remark.

"I'm terribly sorry but Enid and I need to discuss a private matter together," he says out loud for father to hear.

He grabs my hand, gently, and walks with me out of the room and into the living room.

His hand is so warm and gentle with his touch.

"Did you know that this was the living room or did you just walk into a random room?" My eyebrows furrow.

"The second option," he smiles at me before realising we were still holding hands.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to hold on for too long," he quickly takes his hand away from mine and I can't help but feel cold again.

"It's okay," I smile lightly at him and we just stare into each others eyes.

I never thought I would love someone's eyes as much as his dark brown eyes, almost completely black.

Vivian come barging in, almost like she ran out of the dining room.

She smiles sweetly at him, "I was wondering where the two of you went," Elias steps infront of me.

"That's why I said we needed to dicuss a private matter, one that doesn't involve you in it," he says, annoyed with the interruption.

"Right, yes, I'll leave now," she was about to turn around but just before she does, she gives me a look. A look I've become ever so familiar with.

I've always hated how she looked at me, I never knew why she gave that look.

As soon as the door shuts behind her, Elias speaks, "Now, where were we?"

"I think it would be good for me if I have some time to myself," I say to him, looking down at the floor.

"Yes, I was just thinking the same thing," he says, a bit too quickly.

"Yes, right," I turn around and walk out the room, wanting to just be by myself, no interruptions.

I enter my room and fall back onto the bed.

I take a cigarette and lighter out and lay there while smoking.

I heavily sigh when the cigarette finishes and throw it into the bin by my feet.

Why did he seem so disappointed when I wanted to be by myself ?

I wish I knew what he thought of me, I don't want him to think of me as someone rude or self-centered.

I put the blanket on top of me and fall asleep.

I wish I could stay asleep forever, then I wouldn't have to deal with anyone.


                                         Author's note
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