Chapter 15

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I continue walking while holding onto the trees for support. I don't think I'm going the right way though.

I suddenly hear a twig breaking, but when I turn around I'm met by no one. I look around and see something scurring past me. I continue to walk and see a squirrel with a nut in its hands. I slowly walk towards it but it runs away from the sound of my footsteps.

I sigh before walking straight again. I smile to myself at how I completely forgot about the small creatures that live alone in the woods. This was the first time in a long while that I've see a squirrel.

But then I hear another snap of a twig, I figured it was just another creature but then I hear heavy footsteps behind me. As soon as I turn around, I find Issac and before I could turn around to run away, he stabs me in my lower abdomen.

He pushes me and my back lands on a tree, he then punches me in the face and I fall onto the floor. Blood seeping through my body, nose and mouth. He grabs my face and forces me to look up at him.

"You better hope you die right now or else I will find you and end your life once and for all," he pushes my face back and runs away.

I rest my body onto the tree behind me and look down to see my pocket knife lodged into me and, so much blood.

I grab the end of my dress and rip a large piece off of it. I then scrunch it and place it around the knife, holding it tightly on the wound to make sure that I don't lose too much blood from my body.

For some reason, I feel so tired. As if I haven't slept in days on end. My head falls limp onto the tree and my eyes slowly close. I end up falling asleep right then and there.

Maybe I can get home later.



I lay in bed, hugging the pillow that Enid usually sleeps on. I couldn't sleep without her and I just had to hug onto anything that could make me feel as though I am hugging her.

Just then a knock on the door wakes me up from my slumber. I don't bother to look as the person enters the room. I grab the pillow my head was resting on and throw it at the person who disturbed me.

I was definitely not in the mood for anyone to be interrupting me. As the pillow falls onto the ground, the face it had hit was the girl that just couldn't leave me alone.

Why does Vivian always have to come in at the worst possible times?

"I just wanted to come by and see if Enid had come back or not," she said while picking up the pillow from the floor and placing it back onto the bed.

"Well, as you can see, she has not. So now, you can go back to wherever you just were and stay there," I smile bitterly at her.

She hesitates at my remark but nevertheless, walks back out the room and shuts the door.

I fall back onto the bed and lay there. Maybe I could go outside and search for Enid there? But I don't know if she even wants to be found, like last time.

I get out of bed and get dressed. I don't walk to the dining room, but walk to the front doors, ready to walk out and look for Enid.

I look at the different routes to take and decide to walk a different one, knowing that she's not at the lake that James showed me and she's probably not going to be in the marketplace right now. So I'm going to be looking through this forest that is currently right infront of me.

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