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"Good job, babe." Awsten smirks deviously. "That wasn't so hard now was it?" His hot lips on my neck nibbling at the bruised skin and between my shoulder blades, Awsten's hand move to the small of my back and reach down my shorts.
I drape my legs around Awsten's waist and jump into his arms. I'm doing what Geoff told me to do, show him that I'm not weak, I lay on top of Awsten as his hands move up my shirt to my bra which he un-hooks in a couple seconds. Faster than I've ever been able to un-hook my bra.
I used to think death was a bad thing but truthfully...
It doesn't sound so bad now.
The sun shines brightly though the curtains that cover the door to the balcony. I sit up in the bed and stretch, the blanket covering my body slipping down to my stomach instead of covering my chest. I quickly grab the blanket and cover my breasts once o notice I have no top on. I look under the covers at Awsten, Holy Shit! I think to myself, panicking, I get up grabbing one of his oversized T-shirts and throwing it on. I feel around in the foot wondering where my bra and underwear are.
"Morning babe." Awsten wakes up and stretches. I'm don't bud how he is so aware of what happened last night, unlike me who can barely remember what my name is. "Sleep well?" I shoot him a playful glare rolling my eyes. Awsten stands up and stretches even more, being naked doesn't bother him I guess.
"You wanna put some shorts on?" I ask laughing and handing him a air of boxers. Awsten slaps them out of my hand and grabs me from the front by the waist holding me to his chest. Laughing and hit him on the backing screaming "let me go!" He just laughs back.
"We'll go to breakfast today, for the first time." Awsten smiles at me as he puts me down. We both go into the bathroom and brush our teeth with the bottled water that the maids bring us everyday. Almost spitting on the back of each others heads we finish. I grab a pair of leggings, denim shirt and some jandals for breakfast.
Awsten and I walk side-by-side toward the buffet, once we get inside he grabs my hand. We sit with Otto, and Geoff. Otto's plate is full of crepes, waffles, toast, bacon, eggs, pancakes, muffins, sausage and hash browns. Holy crap he can eat. Geoff and Awsten sit in front of each other which is awkward because every time they look up they end up awkwardly glancing at each other or squinting.
"I'm gonna go get something to eat..." I get up watching Geoff and Awsten both, making sure they don't jump over the table and strangle each other. I stuff my plate with: 2 pieces of toast, bacon, a muffin, a hash brown and some scrambled eggs.
"You're back." Awsten pulls out a chair for me as I sit. Okay, then...
"Yeah, I was getting food." I laugh and Awsten better not kill each other over me, I'm not worth it. I look over to Otto who is shoveling his face with food, he's gonna go back for seconds soon. "I need to go back to the room and change before we go to the pool or beach, whenever."
"Sounds good." Awsten starts to eat some of the food on my plate, I move it to the side so he can't access t so easily without me noticing. We all sit eating it n awkward silence.
After breakfast Awsten and I go back to the room so I can change into my togs. I don't really feel comfortable wearing a bikini around 3 guys but there are no options. I used to be a life guard but then I had to quit because the constant chlorine smell would give me migraines. I grabbed a pair of shorts, a bat wing top with lace on the back and a bright pink bikini out of the suit case.
When we get out the pool barely anyone is there, luckily, we forgot to save seats. I put some sunscreen n and lay down on the pool chair. Awsten sits at the end with f the chair almost about to tip me off, I sit up and rub sunscreen on his back.
"Thanks." Awsten says kissing my forehead then laying down on the chair beside me. Otto come next and sit on awsten's side. Spencer and I used to go swimming and every time we'd end up trying to fake drown each other.
The sun starts to set replacing the light blue with a couple clouds with a crimson red and crisp autumn orange. I start to pack up the beach bag that I brought with me when I used our hotel bathroom. My stomach still hasn't decided if I should have drinken those 4 pina coldas. ( non-virgin which makes it even worse)
"I'm going back to the room now to shower for dinner." I get up and hug Awsten from behind. "Don't stay out to long. "I feel like a mom saying that: "don't stay out to long because r you'll burn."
I insert the key then throw my beach bag onto the sofa. I look over at the bed which has been made since I used the bathroom. Have a wonderful honeymoon! ~ Juanita. Oh, god why does everyone think we're married of dating. I grab me of the towel swans and bring t into the bathroom.
The door opens, Awsten. I'm already stripped down but I forgot to get the shampoo. I wrap the towel around myself and run out quick enough to get the shampoo without awsten noticing. When the turn around Awsten stands in front of me. He pulls me in and kisses me, my arms around his neck with both bottles of shampoo and conditioner in my hands.
Awsten leaves the bathroom. I get into the shower and turn on the faucet. Cold water sprays my feet immediately, even when the curb the water to almost pure hot it's still pretty cold.
Once again get out of the shower I grab look around for the towel but it isn't there.
"Awsten!" I shout angrily and frankly, quite annoyed that he'd make me go out naked. "Seriously, give me my towel!" He walks in and holds the towel in one hand they hand to his chin.
"I don't know what you're talking about, baby." He smiles at me laughing. I glare at him and grab the towel but he pulls his hand back just before I can take it, "oh, this old thing? You don't want this, do you?"
"Yes, can I have it now?" I ask crossing my arms behind the door.our bathroom is werid we have a door then a closet with a sink beside it, then we have the toilet and bath tub/shower in a separate section. The doors to the shower part are like the old western movies doors, the doors bed that swing open and only cover from your knees to your neck. "Fine I'll just go in the shower for longer." I sat turning back then Awsten calls me and throws the towel at my head.
0font forget your towel next time." He chuckles.
Dinner wasn't as good as breakfast or lunch. But you don't come on vacation to eat usually. No one had the beef at dinner, I never saw it at the buffet. Maybe they didn't even bother serving it.
"Cotton candy!" Otto shouts running down ver to a cotton candy stand like a small child. The boys   just continue walking but I stop with Otto, "2 please."
"No, thanks." I say smiling and holding my hands behind my back."just for him." Otto gives me a look that's a mix of im psychotic and I just offended him.
"Hey, babe."A man in his mid 50's stumbled over me. I can smell the alcohol on him, it's like he's sweating alcohol. "Wanna go to my room?"
"Don't touch her." Otto pushes the greasy back of man off of me but he clings right back on like a magnet. "Em, go see Awsten. I'll take care of this pervert."
"What's wrong with you?" The man pushes Otto hard. I run quickly like my life depends on it over to Awsten. I'm out of breath so I grab his wrist and pull him towards the problem.
"Back the hell off of them!" Awsten pushes for he man back. He bumps into a few people then a brick wall. "You ok, hun?"
"Yeah," I help Otto up. I can barely blink. What a pervert. I'll come to the club later, I'm gonna go for a walk around the pool."

You're mine Awsten Knight Where stories live. Discover now