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"You can do this." I tell him. He leaves the room. I don't understand why he is so afraid, he lies all the time it should be easy. He also shoplifts so that should be easy to lie about.
We all sit on the floor watching the tv.
Awsten walks in after about an hour.
I have some news." Awsten looks down, hands behind his back. No one moves.
I put my hands behind my back and cross my fingers hoping everything is okay.
"The police have decided;He looks up dramatically then finishes. "I'm innocent, they barely even questioned me." He walks toward the bed then sits on it.
"I'll go get dinner, I'm going to need the credit card." I stand up and stretch out my sore muscles.Geoff gives me the card and I walk out of the room.
McDonald's Is almost completely full. Everyone is talking, laughing and yelling other other voices trying to order. I walk further into the hot room and wait in the long line. I twist the card around in my hand, tapping my foot on the ground. After 6 people are finished ordering I order,
"6 Big Macs and 6 cokes." The cashier gives me a dirty look but I smile and tilt my head in return.
"But there's only—" she tired to say.
"No, I know what I want and that's what I want." I cut her off. She turns away and rolls her eyes. I grab 3 bags full of food and try to balance 2 cup trays in my arms. I put everything on the table and put the credit card in the waist of my pants, then balance everything again.
I pound my head against the door, it doesn't make very much sound so I bang my knee against the door instead. Otto opens the door then helps me with the trays.
I take the credit card out of my pants and give it to Awsten. We all sit down in front of the little tv. And eat in peace.
"It's getting late you guys should go to your rooms now." Awsten says, throwing out our cardboard plates and cups.
"Oh awstie you getting anxious?" Geoff winks at him. My face turns completely red.
"Oh, c'mon!" Geoff nudged Awsten and laughs. "We all know you were going to make her scream." He winks at me. I walk over to the door, open it and then point for them to get out.
"No!" I interrupt Awsten. "It's not gonna happen."
"I know, I know.." he trails off and it's awkward silence.
"I'm gonna go take a shower," I walk into the bathroom leaving the door open a crack for a second. "Come near me and I'll butter knife you." (Divergent reference) I laugh then close the door fully. No locks on the doors wow is all I can think of. I take off the baggy shirt then the pants, followed by my bra and underwear. I rub the tap water, it comes out slow and cold at first then begins to warm up. I climb into the tub, it's bigger than I had expected. I crouch down and close my eyes, water spraying the top of my head. My thoughts are everywhere, I don't know what to think anymore, I'd he going to kill me? Will he leave me, I highly doubt that one. Will he continue to hurt me? Confuse me? Keep me? I honestly can't tell anymore.
I look at my arm where Awsten cut me. I wanna cry so badly but I can't, no matter how hard I try. I need to be strong though this. Whatever happens it will happen for a reason. I stand up and take one of the tiny soaps out of the small white metal shelf.
I turn off the tap and then wrap myself in the towel, although it's to small it'll have to do for now. I twist the bathroom doorknob then walk out. I grab some of the clothes that Geoff brought, and with the arm full of clothes I walk back into the bathroom then get dressed.
"Emily!" Awsten shouts though the door. "I'm going to see the boys!" I respond in an okay.
I turn on the tv then grab the remote, there's a note. 'Good night, love, I probably won't be back until midnight or so. Xx Awsten.' I reach into one of the 3 bags that the boys brought for us. I find a wallet with 50$ in bills and 10$ in change. I take 2$ then go to the vending machine. I type in the code K8. I take the bounty bar out and eat it on the way back to the room.
The television is still on, volume quite loud too, so no one would think that no one is in here. The neighbourhood isn't the safest here. I sprawl out in the bed nibbling on the bounty bat. My eyes keep getting heavy, I close them for a bit and when I try to open them, they refuse to.
The room is dark with absolutely no light, I hear voice in the distance but I can't make out what they're saying. I stand up and walk around, feeling my way around so I don't bump into anything.
"I promise." Is all I could make out of the conversation. I try toward the voice but they keep getting further. When I try walk back there's something blocking me.
Only waterparks.
I turn over and look at the time, 3:26AM. I groan and close my eyes again. The tap in the bathroom is running, I can see the light under the door a little. I figure it's Awsten.
"Emily?" He asks walking over towards me, I open my eyes a bit.
"Yes?" I ask rudely. "I was trying to sleep.
"Sorry," Awsten sits next to me and brushes my hair with his Fingers until I fall back asleep.

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