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"You know what it's fine," I give him the shirt back. Me and Ben are going shopping afterwards so it's fine, thank you anyway." I jog out to Awsten and hug him.
"What the hell?" He pushes me off. "We better go now."
"Okay." I say once we're out of the store. "Where to now?"

I stare out the window again, looking at the lines on the road. The further I look back the smaller they are. Awsten hasn't spoken to me since the better go now from the restaurant. I smell like coke from the purpose spill I had to do that for Awsten, everything seems to be done for him: shoplifting, lying, flirting with other people.... It's like child slavery we learned in 7th grade, I barely paid attention but one thing caught my attention most, it's mostly woman who got taken.
"Okay, stop here for a minute in case anyone behind is following." Awsten pulls over to the side of the highway I stay in the same position and continue staring at the ground.
"Aren't you being a little paranoid?" I ask, my speech without any expression, my chin in the palm of my hand. I close my eyes briefly then open them again.
"Well you should be most paranoid," Awsten puts his hand on my knee and I slap it off. "After all, you did steal a phone. Right?" I look back, he's smirking.
"Says the man who kidnapped me!" Did I just say that out loud? I gulp and continue. "You keep saying how I have no choice in what is said, you've made me do all of this! Lie, flirt and steal!" I turn around and look out the window again, closing my eyes. God I hope this is a dream. " I never got the best marks in school or anything but this isn't who I am. I don't steal, I don't lie—"
"Emily, you're mine." Awsten stops for a while, nothing is said. " I won't bail on you halfway, I will protect you." I didn't look back at him or even move.
"Lying doesn't take care of everything." I sigh and continue looking out the window at the pavement and grass.
"I know, it helps with some things though," Awsten starts. "A world with only truth wouldn't be a world I'd wanna live in." He has a point, even though he said that he wouldn't bail on me it could just be another pathetic lie that I'm stupid enough to believe.
He turns on the radio to the news. Who listens to the news on the radio anymore? They're talking about traffic, weather and "devastations and tragedies." I start to listen.
"9 years ago Jeffery Dunham was taken at the age of 6, Jeffery is still missing." The lady says. "Please call 1-800-958-2247 if you find him. We've got pictures on the news website and what he'd most likely be wearing and about his kidnapper too."
I look over at Awsten and he's typing in some numbers into the disposable phone.
"Just texted the boys," Awsten says. "We're going to the motel now."
We arrive in the motel parking lot. Awsten opens my door and I get out and follow behind him. Awsten reaches in the trunk and pulls out a small suitcase.  How did he know this would happen,or was it in case  it happened?  Awsten holds my wrist and guides me into the motel lobby.
"We need 3 rooms," Awsten wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"There are only 2 of you." The lady smiles. Blonde with grey eyes.
"I never asked for your opinion, did I?"Awsten says rudely, I elbow him gently in the rib cage. "Just 3 rooms please." She gives us the keys. We walk past the must smelling rooms, the carpet is damp, they've probably had flooding in here but couldn't afford to properly fix it. Awsten slides the key into the motel room, it looks disgusting.
"Uh," I'm completely speechless. " I don't think I can sleep in here." I walk over to the bed and pinch the covers with my thumb and middle finger, stripping the bed. Oh god, I mumble under my breath trying to control the gag.
"Uh, maybe we should check out another motel." Awsten walks over to the bed and sees the yellow stain. He takes the small bag and the 3 keys, slams them on the front desk and leaves.
"I saw a half decent motel on the side of the highway where we stopped." I say doing up my seat belt.
We pull into the 'half decent' motel parking lot. We get out of the car, grab the bag from the front and check in. The hall ways don't smell like mist which is a really good thing. This motel isn't very nice but hopefully I'd doesn't have any stains on the bed, or worst yet, a chalk out line on the floor.
I put the key in the door and walk in, closing my eyes, Awsten walks past me and puts the bag on the bed.I open my eyes, the room isn't very fancy but it's clean. Good enough.
"No chalk out line." I say laugh, he laughs and shakes his head. "When will they be here?"
"In an hour or so," Awsten throws the dress at me that he brought. "They should be here for dinner." I nod and look around the room. Geoff is making a stop to the house and then the bank for a new account so we can pay for things and not have to steal."

"Okay,"  I turn on the tv. And pinch the bed covers and look at the mattress. No questionable stains, lucky us! I sit on the bed and throw the dress onto one of the chairs by the window.  I hit button on the remote but they don't work. "The remote doesn't work, I'll go ask the front desk for a new one."
"Remember, no—"
"I know,I know." I cut Awsten off shutting the door. When I get to the front desk no one is there  so I ring the bell. "Hello?" I call into the back room.
"Oh, sorry," a man comes up behind me, Otto, "can I help you?"
"You don't work here." I laugh. He shakes his head."what?" I ask, he stands staring at me.
"No hug?" He wraps me in his arms."you  kissed Aws."
"Shut up!" I hit him in the arm playfully. A man comes out from the back room behind the front desk. "I just need a new tv remote."  He hands me a new one. Otto and I walk back to me and Awsten's room, I knock, no response.
"Awsten!" I shout though the door, trying to look though the peep hole but it's all black. "Not funny!" Otto taps my shoulder and brings me to the window at the end of the hallway.
Cop cars.

You're mine Awsten Knight Where stories live. Discover now