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"Awsten!" I shout at the top of my lungs. "Awsten!"
"I promise I make this quick." Ginny presses the knife onto my throat and I break one arm free then the other, I grab the knife out of her hand. I push her off of me, shoving the knife into my back pocket running back home.
"Awsten!" I shout, Ginny grabs my bicep and turns me around punching me in the eye. "You bitch." I mumble.
I start running, holding my hand to my eye, I look behind me, I can't find Ginny.
I bang my fists on the backyard door, looking behind me to see if Ginny is there. Nope. Awsten opens the door and I throw myself into his arms. When we pull back he looks at the eye Ginny punched.
"What happened to your face?" Awsten runs his thumb gently over my swollen-shut eye.
"Your mom is psycho!" My eyes start to well up. "She did this!" I walk over to the kitchen and get some ice for my eye. The ice makes my eye sting but go numb afterward.
"What'd she say?" Asks Gracie who is sitting at the kitchen island.
"She asked if me and Awsten would be together forever," I hold the ice to my eye then take a seat next to her. " I said I don't know... I doubt it' and then she took out a knife and I had to try to defend myself." I take the ice off for a minute then look at my reflection in a fork, for Geoff's sake. "Then I start to run, she punched me, I continued to run and when I looked behind me she wasn't there, I could've sworn she was there a couple seconds ago."
The door bell rings and Awsten goes. Funny walks in limping, I hug Awsten from behind and he pushes me off. Gracie stands in front of me. I feel like a hold on the first day of school, all shy and afraid.

"Mum," Gracie and Awsten both say. I feel uncomfortable standing there behind Gracie like a shy little child. I just told someone that their mum tried killing me, they must hate me.
"Oh, hello Em." She smiles at me. What the hell is she trying to do?
"Hi, Mrs knight." I sat? Trying to smile back. Very awkward smile.
"Awsten, Gracie I need some ice." She holds a hand to her rib cage where I kicked her. "I fell and now my rib cage hurts."
"Sure, mom." Gracie and Awsten both go into the kitchen.
"Listen to me, Emily." She spits out at my quietly, I hold my hand on the knife handle in my back pocket. I can't kill her but I'll threaten to. "You will do whatever Awsten tells you to, understand?" She walks closer towards me, I tighten the grip on the handle and nod.
"Here." Gracie gives her some ice, I stand by the closet still.
"Oh, Em what happened to your eye?" Ginny asks as innocently as she possibly can. "Awsten go get her some ice." She runs her hand gently over my eye which is probably bruised now.
"Em, come here!"Awsten calls to me from the kitchen. I quickly walk to the kitchen, leaving Gracie with the psychotic Ginny.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Here." Awsten and I sit in the living room, him holding the ice to my eye. "Mum isn't all bad."
"Aws, she tried killing me." I try to say in a calm voice. Where im from if the parents don't like you they usually don't talk to you, not try to kill you. Weird eh?
"Shh," Awsten brushes my forehead gently with his thumb, I close my eyes lightly.
Gracie and I stand in front of the kitchen sink washing the plates from dinner. The tacos were really good, Awsten had at least 8.
"Em, I understand our mum is crazy," Gracie says so quietly no one can hear besides me. " she's one of those over-protective mothers.
"I understand that but she did have to almost kill me because," I rinse a plate off then put it in the cupboard.
"Okay, we'll we're going now." Gracie shouts just loud enough so Awsten and Ginny could hear in the other room. She dries off her hands and hugs me: "stay strong." She whispers in my ear.
"Love you, Gracie." I sat abs she smiles.
"Bye, Awsten." Gunny says walking out of the front door, "Em." She says bitterly like she just sucked on a lemon. Real mature.
"Take good care of her, hurt her and I'll hurt you." Gracie says happily but the I'll hurt you part seriously.
We sit in the sofa and watch the cars pull out, Gracie last. Ginny makes a sharp turn then speeds out. I rest my chin on my hand and sigh quietly. I've had better days then that, worst also.
Tears roll down my cheeks. "That movie was so good." I say to Awsten who I doubt is listening.
"Told you." He pulls me closer into his chest as I nuzzle in. "I'm gonna go get another movie l, you make some popcorn."
I pull the box of popcorn out of the cupboard and pull 2 bags out, stuck them in the microwave and press in the popcorn button. I listen to the un-even popping sounds in the microwave. Awsten comes back up and throws the movie onto the sofa and wraps his arms around my waist.
"You're a good cook." Awsten whispers seductively into my ear.
"Well, it isn't very hard to make microwaveable popcorn." I laugh. Every time he touches me I get butterflies in my stomach like a playground-crush.
"Can't you just take a compliment like a normal person?" Awsten let's go of me and grabs some pop, we both sit on the sofa and watch insidious. Oh god, a horror movie, I won't be able to sleep for about a week.

It must be the tenth time I've screamed in the past twenty minutes. I let out another scream and Awsten holds me in his arms tighter, my heart nearly pounding out of my chest about to burst.
"Let's turn it off." Awsten presses the power button.
"I'm gonna try to go to sleep now." My bottom lips starts to shake.
"Call me if you need anything." Awsten kisses my temple and I go.
For once I feel safe. I highly doubt it will last very long.
A/N 2 double chapters in one night enjoy

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