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"They think you're actually Emily carter, not Katie Jones." Awsten sighs hard and makes a sharp turn, my shoulder slamming into the side of the car. "I had barely any cash, only credit card and they would be able to trace that."
"What now?" I ask.
"I don't know," Awsten says putting his hand on my knee and glancing at me. "Whatever comes next, I'll be with you." His tone calms.
Awsten speaks in a reasonably calm tone but his driving is rough. I keep wondering about where we're going because, he passed the house already. I'm not sure Awsten knows where we're going either. We have driven in the same circle about 3 times.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"Somewhere safe." Awsten pulls roughly into an abandoned house and stops. " give me your arm."
"I am not giving you my arm." I say pulling it to the opposite side."
"Now." His tone stern. Every time his voice becomes more stern or he's angry his pupils dialate and his eyes turn darker. I give him my arm. I know I'm going to regret this. "There's a tracker chip that only I have the code for in your arm. We need to remove it so no one can access it."
0okay..." I trail off. Awsten takes out a knife and I look out the window squeezing my eyes shut. He traces a small circle on just under my bicep muscle and digs it in a bit. I whimper as the knife turns, tears growing in my closed eyes.
"Okay." Awsten removes the knife and wipes it off with a couple of tissues. "Emily,I'm going to need you to keep on your disguise and get me a disposable phone. You know not to do anything we won't regret."
"Yes,I know." I say."what are you going to do with the phone?"
"I'll tell you once I have the phone in my hands." Awsten pulls out of the driveway and starts along the dirt road again.
I push the rogers telephone and customer service door open, the hours on the door said it was only opened from 9-2 today. Someone in the red and white outfit comes up to me,
"Hello ma'am can I help you?" The woman asks.
"Uh, yes please, do you have any disposable phones?" I say. Then I notice they're going to think something is up, no one had disposable phones anymore. "My husband always loses his."
"Oh, yes we do." She guides me to a small section with phones in cardboard boxes. "I'll leave you with that for now and check on you later."
I loom for the cheapest phone, 12.95. I just notice I have no money to use, I can't use the credit card otherwise they can track it. I have no other choice, I put the phone up my bulky coat and walk up to the cash register.
"I don't think we need it anymore, thank you, though." I smile, walk out and wave. Awsten opens my door and races out of the parking lot.
"Thanks." He takes the phone and continues driving. I rest my head in my palm and lean against the side of the car. Trees, grass and occasionally some homes we pass. I can't do anything now, he has me—he has me on his web of lies and pain. I'm nothing now, and he knows  it.
We pull into a small restaurant, family owned I guess. I'm about to open the door then Awsten pushes me back. We just sit waiting in the car for a while so I take off my seat belt. I lean back in my seat and stare out the back window at the restaurant. It must be closed or shut down, doesn't look very busy.
"Come," Awsten gets out of the van and opens my door then slams it. I walk behind him into the restaurant. The restaurant is wooden walling and flooring, kind of like a cabin. Posters are hung all over the walls and none of the chairs go with the tables. Awsten holds my wrist and takes me up to the bar where you pay, I guess.
"Can I help you?" The man had a southern accent although we're not even in the country or anything. He walks past me and smiles.
"Actually we were just about to—" Awsten says.
"Have lunch." I cut Awsten off and walk over to one of the mis-match chairs and sit, Awsten sits beside me.
"Okay, what do ya want, gorgeous?" The waiters brown eyes sparkle in the bright lights from the ceiling.
"Why don't you—"
"Aws, sweety, calm down." I say cutting Awsten off again, and kiss his lips gently. Our first kiss and I felt nothing. "We'll just take some coke."
"Okay." He smiles and starts to walk away but stops, I'll throw in some fries, don't worry, on the house." He then continues walking away."
"Can I slit his throat or something?" Awsten asks, his eyes bright in the light. I shake my head and laugh a bit. "Thanks." Awsten spits out at the water when he gets back.
"I'm not eating these," I say pushing the fries away.
"I need you to call the waiter over and keep him distracted," Awsten takes a frie and slowly eats it. "I need to make a call and I don't wanna set the dinosaur phone up until we arrive at the motel." He takes a sip of the coke and the. Another fry. "The phone here can be tracked but the stupid waiter won't say anything about us.... Well you being here."
"Okay,go." I push him out of the booth and wait for Awsten to get to the bathroom. "Help!" I yell just enough so the waiter would hear.
"What's wrong, gorgeous?" He comes running over, he knocked over 2 cups and a plate while running.
"I split my drink." I hold my breath and put the coke onto my shirt. "Do you have a towel?"
"No, but we have new shirts." He takes my wrist and leading me into the back room. I cough loudly to let Awsten know that someone's coming. This man is pathetic, what kind of restaurant has no towels?
Like honestly." Wait....here!" He hands me a shirt 2x's too big.
"You know what it's fine," I give him the shirt back. Me and Ben are going shopping afterwards so it's fine, thank you anyway." I jog out to Awsten and hug him.
"What the hell?" He pushes me off. "We better go now."
"Okay." I say once we're out of the store. "Where to now?"

You're mine Awsten Knight Where stories live. Discover now