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"There you are!" Awsten shouts when I get inside the room.
"Uh, yeah I went for a walk like I said..." I trail off then take off my sunglasses. "You're feeling better." He nods. We both sit on the bed after I take a shower.
"Ready for your punishment?" He asks smirking at me. My whole face turns red and hot. It feels like the tears are about to come back.
When my eye's finally open they feel like they've been pepper-sprayed. I cough and choke trying to catch air. I don't know where Awsten or anyone is, as far as I know I'm alone. My hands and legs aren't tied but my whole body aches. I hold my hand over my mouth coughing and gasping for breath. I sound like a tone deaf animal being strangled.
"Hey, beautiful." Awsten sticks his head out from the bathroom door. "How'd you sleep?" He walks over toward me smiling like he's pleased with what ever happened.
"What happened?" I ask terrified of the answer. The room feels like it's spinning around me like the Teacup Ride I used to go on when I was younger. Every time I'd go in it if nearly vomit; I didn't mind going upside down but when it came to spinning I was a mess.
Awsten stands in front of me just smiling. I rest my head on the rug and closing my eyes so they sting a little less. He kneels down beside me and starts to un-buckle his belt. I hope the torture I'm being put through will eventually end.
I haven't thought about Spencer is so long, he was my best friend. I know better than to mention any of my actual friends' names. Spencer and I were best friends since the 4th grade. I used to think of hun as more than a friend then I noticed he didn't like me in that kind of way so I got over liking him that way. Whenever I've ever liked someone I have always had a hard time showing affection towards them.
"Sorry," Awsten give me his belt. "Way too tight. I'd like you to breathe you know?" He laughs a bit, I sit up and leans against the back window which the curtains have been closed. I wonder what he used to put me to sleep, probably a needle or cloth of some sort. I feel so uncomfortable with him touching me now.
"What time is it?" I ask stretching my arms and putting the hand of the small of my beck and arching it, I let out a sigh.
"12-ish  I suppose." Awsten wraps one arm around my shoulders, I try to slide out of his arms but he notices so I'm forced to lean into him closer." You he guys and I are all feeling much better so tomorrow we can probably go swimming, tanning etcetera."
"Cool." I say, I have no idea how else to respond. I've always hated when people took like an hour to respond to a text and they would just say "cool" or "okay" stuff like that, only one word responses. It just bothers me a lot.
"Em's! Hurry up!" Awsten shouts banging on the bathroom door with his fist. "You've been in there for 30 minutes. I'd like a shower too."
"1 minute,"I pull up my Jean shorts and open the bathroom door. Guys don't understand how long it takes a girl to look good. He was overly exaggerating, I was in there for 15 minutes, tops.
I grab a hair elastic and tie my hair up into a bun.  Can hear the water from the shower as soon as Awsten turns it on. He'll probably only be about 10 minutes. I grab the remote and run on the tv.
"17 year old, Emily was taken just cover 3 weeks ago,"The news woman says, her black hair is pulled back into a neat and perfect bun, "if you see her please call in to your local police station." A picture of me from school pictures in grade 10 comes up.
I blink a few times then rub my eyes, this is unbelievable. Who could've reported my kidnapping case? Janie? Kayla? Spencer? Mom? No idea. The water from the shower stop, I quickly change the channel right before Awsten comes out in just a towel.
"What were you just watching?!" He shouts looking from me to the tv. "Someone reported you missing, didn't they?!" I stand up quietly and carefully when Awsten goes into the bathroom. "We can't go back, not now...Not ever!"
"Stop!"He pins me up against the wall. Awsten's hand is over my collar bones. A shiver goes though my whole body and he tightens his grip on me. His hand moves over to my ass and he grabs it.
"Why do you like hurting me so much?" I ask. I feel like tears are going to burst out if he's going to hurt me even more than he already had.
"When I fight with you, I'm really fighting for us. If I didn't care I wouldn't bother." Awsten whispers in my ear as he starts to kiss my neck.
"Some people need a high five." I try to push Awsten off and suck under his arms but they're holding me too tightly. "In the face." I finish. Awsten stops kissing my neck just long enough to laugh a bit then he starts again. Hungrily nipping at my neck.
The tv turns onto the news again automatically this time though.
"17 years old, Emily was taken just over 3 weeks ago. If you about her whereabouts please contact this number: 1-800-123-1234." The news person says. Awsten let's go of me then punches the tv.
"I know you know who did this!" Awsten wipes the back door f his hand on the towel he's wearing. "Who did this?"
"I swear I don't know." My bottom lip shakes and my knees start to go weak. Awsten glares at me, his eyes could rip a person apart for the truth. I look down at my socked feet as my eyes water. He walks over to me angrily so u run into the bathroom and lock the door.
I lean against the sink and look into the mirror. As much as I want to cry I don't think they are any tears left to cry. I have bags under my eyes from being exhausted I look like a total mess, like the day I got taken. Like the day I was cut. Like the days I spent at home listening to my mother and father argue before he left. Like the day my brother left home, I couldn't stop crying for a week.
My whole life has brought tears to my eyes. Spencer has helped me though everything. I remember I once spent a whole summer at his house hiding from my mother. He was like a brother to me... he's gone. I'll never see him again.
"Em!" Awsten shouts turned by the door knob angrily even though it won't open. One tear escapes from my eye, I lift up my shirt to wipe it away then I look at my stomach. Bruises from cuts are there, it looks like I had been whipped but that wouldn't be a surprise to me. Awsten bangs on the door more and more, every time getting louder.
After a while Awsten has stopped pounding on the door and stopped trying to break off the door knob I sneak out the hotel room.
I walk over to the beach but further to the side where there is more forestry. I find a large tree and sit down on one of the low branches. Spencer and I would go to the park and race each other to the top of the monkey bars when we were little and just sit up there eating freezies from the ice cream truck.
"Em?" I jump. I look over my shoulder and find Geoff looking down at me sympathetically. "Awsten's looking for you." I make a mix of a whimper and sigh sound.
"I can't go back." It's like I'm about to cry but nothing comes out. "He'll hurt me, and use me, and...And... I just can't. I'll die here." I stop talking for a minute to hide my face in my arm. "You'll do me a favor and drown me, right?"
"Uhm, no,"Geoff sits down beside me and wraps his arm around my back. "You need to go back. If you want I'll protect you and make sure he doesn't hurt you."
"I can't." Now the tears come out. "Look what he did." I lift my shirt and show Geoff the whipping and cut marks. " he had cut me, whipped me and violated me. When will all this end?"
"I'm afraid it won't, darling." Geoff pulls me into his chest and brushes my heir with his fingers. "I promise I'll protect you, though."

You're mine Awsten Knight Where stories live. Discover now