i dare you II

359 11 10

cw // low-key nsfw

"Seungmin, I will give you 3.000 Won if you let me kiss you."

"I wouldn't kiss you again if my life depended on it. Also, I need to leave for work."

"You already kissed?" After Hyunjin's question, Seungmin just rolled his eyes. The taller looked like a kicked puppy and I almost felt bad for him but then remembered who he was. Stupid Loserjin.

He was one of the reasons why Seungmin and I didn't work out. Okay, Seungmin never really had feelings for me in the first place but we decided to tell everyone it was a mutual breakup when things went down. However, Han was the only one who knew I got dumped. I remembered telling him when we were having one of our very long talks in the hallway. What a funny little guy. He was also very cute. Maybe I should try and kiss him. But how would I make him walk into the same room as us?

Intense thinking.

Anyway, stupid Seungmin wasn't helpful, so I looked at Hyunjin. "I can't kiss people without their consent. Does this count?" "No, you respectful cunt. Go find someone else to kiss."

This bitch had the audacity to call me, Lee The Minhot, cunt? I guess, I was a little cunty. In the best ways possible. But before I could do anything, he already walked past my Ex fiancé and dragged me with him.

When we got to the hallway, I felt like I had lost complete control over this silly gum deal. Gum. It was gum! My deals were basically like drop shipping. I bought gum for 1.000 Won and people bought it for 5.000 Won. That's how I actually got rich after not being rich for a long time. It happened after Seungmin announced our breakup. My father was furious, so he stopped providing for me. I was allowed in the house but only in certain areas and they put up CCTV to make sure I wasn't ignoring the rules just because they weren't home.

Not feeling at home in your own house around your family was the worst thing that happened to me. But when my younger cousin visited it was even worse. I loved him like a brother. However, he was the illegitimate child of my uncle and his mistress. It was a whole mess. So obviously, he wasn't welcome in my father's home. The same rules that always applied to him now applied to me as well. A prisoner in my own home.

I was relieved when I found out that my dad at least let me keep the cats. If he got rid of them, I didn't think I would have survived that.

"Minho, we need to postpone our bet I believe. The bell is going to ring any minute. There will be too many students."

Hyunjin seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I just nodded, knowing we would probably forget about this bet and nothing would happen. But that's when his eyes suddenly lit up. A smile that I had rarely seen on his face crept up.

"Unless, you can stay at the infirmary because I have a feeling someone else will join you." Whatever evil plan he had, it must have satisfied him in every way. Which, now that I said it, it sounded weird but you should have seen his face! No, normal human being would be so happy about a bet punishment.

Okay, maybe there was.

I lied. I am a liar.

"Yeah, I actually don't have any more classes." "Then why are you still here?" "Money doesn't grow on trees, Hwang!" "I am the poor one, I should say that line, you idiot Lee!"

Right, no one knew that I was basically disinherited. Cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Cool.

The author binged watched Brooklyn 99.

"Fine, I will stay at the stupid infirmary. Why are you taking this bet so seriously?"

The taller bit his lip. "I wasn't going to but Seungmin said you kissed so there's no going back." "Man, get over him! You have so many people falling for you." "So many people aren't Seungmin."

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