let lee know if you find out

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My anger issues were not the biggest problem at hand, it was what I was going to wear to the party.

And Lee Felix was no help at all.

He had the good looks but I didn't. I was just Han Jisung. Not some handsome Australian who bathed in the sun and came back out with freckles. Honestly, I doubted I could rock freckles anyway.

"For the thousandths time."

"Did you just say thousandths?"

"Yes, you idiot, now listen," Felix licked his lips before he turned back to the closet,"You are Han Jisung. You're hot in your own weird ways, so we're going to show Changbin what he's been missing all along."

But I didn't want that.

Sure, I wasn't opposed to dating the love of my life but he was happy with Hyunjin and it wasn't even a fair competition.

If we were going for looks, anyone would pick Hyunjin.

...If Lee Minho wasn't there that is.

I would pick Lee Minho. Objectively speaking once again.

So, I took Felix's hands in mine to catch his full attention and looked him in the eyes.


"Thank you. I really appreciate you doing this for me but can't do that. I am not going to be a homewrecker."

Not going to lie, I was kinda proud of myself. That was a big moment. I was such a nice and humble person.

박수 여러분.

"A homewrecker-" My birthday twin did not seem to understand. Maybe he didn't know what a homewrecker was because he was one. But I could forgive him, he was Lee Felix. He could set Jeongin on fire and I would forgive him.

Or maybe not.

Actually, I would like to take that thought back. Thank you.

I sighed, letting go of his hands, turning back to my closet.

"Jisung, Changbin and Hyunjin aren't dating." And Felix said that so casually that I was so confused I tripped over the oxygen in the room and fell on my Portgas D. Ace (One Piece) carpet. Rest in peace, buddy.

He sat down next to me and patted my head. "You naive little bafoon."

I slapped his hand off my beautiful hair before I sat up too.

"What are you even talking about?" Why would they not be dating? That was so stupid of Felix to assume. Felix was stupid.

Stupid Felix.

"When Changbin saw you and Minho at the infirmary, he was going to confess to you but your dumbass had to suddenly make out with that demon."

"Hey, don't call him demon! That's my-"

It went silent.
Well, now that was stupid. What exactly were we? I hated the term friends with benefits but he wasn't exactly my boyfriend.

Just a good friend who I made out with sometimes.

"Yeah, continue, Han. What is Lee Minho to you?"

He raised an eyebrow, looking at me expectedly. I, however, felt my mouth go dry and every word I knew left my vocabulary.

"Anyway," Felix continued instead to make the awkward silence a bit more bearable,"when you asked who the flowers were for, he wasn't looking at Hyunjin. He was just staring at nothing to focus on not fucking crying. This whole thing was a lie! Even a fool knows Changbin got the hots for you."

Now that explained a lot of things. Changbin would never let anyone call him sugarplum! I knew he wasn't falling for Hyunjin's charming voice and looks and dance moves.

And everyone except Minho and me probably knew. Even before this whole thing, we were always in our own bubble according to different students. Completely oblivious to what other people were doing, saying or thinking.

However, I liked that. A lot.

Having someone you could focus on and forget everything else. It felt nice.

Felix got up from the rug and dusted his ass off. His head went into my closet as he picked out a few things and placed them neatly on my bed.

"Get ready. And let Lee know if you find out what you are. I am meeting you at the party."

And then he left, not specifying which Lee he meant.


Changbin liked me.

Now what was I going to do with that information?


When I waited for Minho outside of his house, I called him because for some reason he did not want me to knock or ring the doorbell.

Maybe his parents were sleeping but it did seem like a big house. I had never visited Minho. To be fair, I didn't think anyone ever did.

I kicked some pebbles in the driveway while I was trying to collect my thoughts but everything circled back to Minho and it drove me crazy.

Suddenly an orange cat sat down on the porch while my phone stopped ringing.

"Han." I gulped. "I am almost ready, please wait and whatever you do, do not enter the building."

Whatever that was supposed to mean. It wasn't like I was a big threat to anyone. The cat yawned as it started stretching. Then suddenly a small boy opened the door. "Soonie, how many times do I have to tell you, you need to stay inside." As he tucked the cat under his tiny arm, it didn't even seem to fight back. In fact, "Soonie" seemed very comfortable.

When the boy looked up, we locked eyes and for some reason I started panicking. I didn't know Minho had a brother.

"Sorry, who-" before he could finish, Minho pushed him inside after stepping out but not without quickly closing the door.

And damn did he look amazing. Slicked back hair was my weakness as it is. Seeing it on Minho though made it even worse.

The older stepped closer and unexpectedly took my hand.

My heart was racing which usually happened when I was anxious but I wasn't.

In fact, I was very happy.

Maybe I should get that checked out...

"Minho, you look great." I smiled but I could feel my cheeks becoming warmer each second.

"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." Couldn't tell if that was a compliment but I would take it.

"So are you ready to go, Hannie?"

With his face so close to mine, yet so far away, I was still left wondering.

What were we?



i am looking forward to the next few chapters bc i love drama.

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