how about meeting my fist?

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cw // mention of domestic violence

I had major anger issues.

My inner child blamed it on the lack of support I had received from my parents. Which was probably an actual reasoning but did the principal want to hear that? Probably not.

So here I was, sitting in front of him. It wasn't like I was the quiet straight A student who disappointed him. That was definitely Kim Seungmin. Without the disappointment.

I was the "how the fuck does he get straight As" straight A student.

It wasn't a surprise anymore, I always got myself into trouble. "I don't look for trouble but trouble looks for me" or something. Chaeryeong slayed that performance by the way. Even if she hated me because I called her sister a panda in 6th grade.
To be fair, I did not know she was trying out smokey eyes. Everyone would have assumed she participated as a panda for the best animal costume competition that was happening at school.

Okay, so you may ask why and how I ended up here. I wish, I could answer. One second I am close to making out with Minho in the corner of a room and the next my fist meets Hwang Hyunjin's face.

Oh. I was able to answer after all. See, sometimes my thoughts were faster than... me. I also couldn't explain the physics behind that one. And yes, not kissing Minho did not work out at all. He was somewhat irresistible. Could you blame me? His lips felt soft and looked glossy all the time. Fighting the urge to do so was hard. And we both consented to it, so there really wasn't a problem.

I froze when the principal spoke up again after Hyunjin had explained what happened.

"Jisung, I fear this time you have taken it too far. I am left with no choice but to call your parents."

Right, I was still here. But no, he could never tell my parents. That was our other unspoken rule. What happened in school, stayed in school. I was dead meat if they found out.

"Y-you can't! Please don't. I will apologize, I will get on my knees but don't tell them." As a matter of fact, I did get on my knees and put my hands together to beg for mercy.

Because, there was one thing, getting in trouble and there was another thing where my parents found out and beat the shit out of me.

And if we were being honest, I did not like getting my ass beat.

"Jisung, stop crying about it. You didn't think about the consequences when you punched me, now did you?"

Hyunjin eyed me weirdly while he was holding a cold pack to his cheek. This is why I hated this arrogant bitch.

Always acted like he knew everything about everyone. Couldn't he just shut up and be like everyone else? Then again, he was right. Without uttering another word, I went back on the chair. This was going to be a long day.

"HOLD UP!" Changbin came in just in time. "It was me who hurt Hyunjin. They just wanted to protect me. He- he's..."

Expectedly we looked at the small man in front of us who played around with the hem of his shirt as his face turned red.

"Hyunjin is my boyfriend. We got into a stupid fight." Ouch. Well, that hurt.

Getting over someone really wasn't easy. I lifted my head to look at Hyunjin who had a content smile on his face. "Yeah, that's my boyfriend." SICK! I FELT SICK!

We looked back to the principal who now put the phone down. "Well, Mister Seo, I guess we can make an exception in this case. Tell your father I said hello. You're excused. Get back to class."

He made a weird hand movement when he finished. Maybe having a rich best friend who sponsored the school did pay off.

The two lovebirds walked in front of me hand in hand as the principal spoke up again. "Jisung." I turned around to be faced with the devil himself. "Yes?" Nervously I stared down to the floor, not wanting to stand here any longer.

"You got yourself some great friends," was all he said before he turned around in his chair and picked up a pile of documents.

Yeah, he was right. "I know." I had the greatest friends.

When I finally walked out the door, I was met with Minho who apparently had been waiting for me. Weirdly enough, that made my heart skip a beat. Must be the anxiety.

"Hey, are you alright?" Even if I wasn't, I nodded. And if Lee Minho knew, he didn't mention it. He simply took my hand in his. This was new and... I liked it. We weren't too close, so skinship wasn't something common between the two of us. But I also didn't think Minho liked skinship in general. So him taking my hand really took me by surprise. It made me feel a little more special.

"You didn't have to defend me there. I am strong, I can fight for myself." My smile dropped at the memory of why I punched Hyunjin. I wasn't a fan of violence but the way he talked about Minho made me go insane.

"He called you a whore just for kissing me. Of course I was going to take it personally. Also, it was something I should have done ages ago anyway."

The small giggles that escaped his lips were worth getting punished for.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?"

I looked at my watch. We only had thirty minutes of our break left. "Uh, sure? But how about after school?"

He suddenly looked at me as if he had seen a ghost. "L-like a ... date?"

Date? What the hell was this man on?



I had never in my life been on a stupid date. But I wanted the first person to be Changbin. Not Minho.

Yet, when I looked up and was met with a genuine smile, I couldn't help but blush as well. Maybe this was a way of getting over Changbin. Or I could make a good friend. Wherever our road would end, I knew, we both would be fine either way.

"I heard room 304 is empty right now. Want to-"

"Make out? Sure."

"I was gonna ask if you could teach me how to tie my shoes but uh, sure. We could do that too, Han."

He didn't know how to tie his shoes? At his big age?

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