50. A little, a lot, passionately

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Thanks to KumaZura for proof reading this chapter.


At the end of the morning, Zoro entered the galley and wrinkled his nose. A smell of sugar was invading the whole room but it wasn't surprising: there were pastries and cakes of all kinds everywhere on the table and on the worktops, making the atmosphere both hot and syrupy.

"Cook, we can't even drink in peace," he reproached him, walking towards the bottle supply.

The blond continued to whistle as he mixed his preparation on the stove and when the fencer came back with his drink, he was surprised by his good mood. "What is all this food for? Are you gonna open a pastry shop?"

Smiling, Sanji shook his head before placing his wooden spoon on the pan and turning to his companion. "This is for the city's orphans!" He explained with excitement. "Nami-san agreed to clear the apple stock and I spoke with the lady in charge of the institution, we're gonna set up a large distribution!"

The day before, the straw hat boy and his friends had disembarked on a sparsely populated and country island. Its inhabitants were generous but very poor and no member of the crew had wanted to take advantage of them by accepting more donations than the locals could offer without putting themselves in danger.

While strolling on the small island, the cook had noticed the orphanage and the director had explained that their resources were very limited and that many adults died while trying to go to sea to fish. Many children found themselves within these walls then and the village was struggling to feed everyone despite the mutual aid.

Sanji hadn't been long to find the navigator and explain his idea. The young woman had accepted given the kindness of the locals and the blond had rushed into the galley while his crewmates continued to explore the island or to rest on the Sunny.

Zoro gazed at the dozens of apple turnovers, pies, cakes, custard tarts, crumbles, muffins and other candy apples scattered all the way up to the seat. "You're gonna make them sick, there's too many," he just replied.

"It doesn't matter if one of them has a stomach ache for a few hours, mosshead. Don't you realize? They barely have enough to eat here, so sweets, they never eat that kind of thing!" Sanji moved cheerfully to watch the contents of his pan and the swordsman went out with a smile. When the cook was devoting himself to his art to feed those who needed it, nothing could reach him.


"Everyone ready?" The navigator asked after lunch. "Let's go then!"

The crewmembers happily headed to the orphanage, their arms full of deliciously fragrant pastries. Even Luffy was holding a huge tray of tarts, having sworn to his cook not to touch them. Seeing Sanji's happiness at the prospect of offering food to these children, the captain knew he wouldn't break his word and was moving forward with enthusiasm. Only Zoro was dragging his feet a little behind. He had been requisitioned in view of the number of dishes to carry but if it had been up to him, he would have stayed snoring on the Sunny's deck.

In front him, Brook and Chopper were smelling the air with delight, hoping to get a portion when they arrived. A few steps away, Robin was carrying several plates with her multiple hands, chatting quietly with Nami. At last, Sanji, Franky and Usopp were leading the way, just as loaded as the others and visibly excited at the idea of meeting the toddlers.

When they reached the orphanage gates, they went to the courtyard where many trestles tables had been put up so that they could put down their sweets. Shortly after, the director came to greet them and heartily thanked them in front of all the food. She then told the generous donors that the afternoon would be organized with games and snacks.

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