8. Hide-and-seek

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Thanks to KumaZura for proof reading this chapter.


The next afternoon, Franky brought relief to his crew. "Island in sight!" Immediately, a human tide took over the deck and all the excited eyes were on the land.

"Finally, food and adventure!" Luffy shouted, thrilled.

"It's Almond Trees Island," Nami explained as they were discovering a mountainous island covered in greenery.

"They export almonds all over the Grand Line," Robin confirmed.

"Almonds are healthy," Sanji appreciated, lighting a cigarette.

"Can we have new recipes?" His captain inquired, his eyes bright.

"Almond trout, almond cake, almond chicken," The cook listed, delighting the straw hat boy.

"We'll go by the market and this time, we'll really stock up," The navigator agreed.

The Sunny docked in the calm bay of the island and Nami waited for the screams of terror because of their ship's Jolly Roger but no guard came to even claim the mooring fee. She appreciated the island even more.

After allocating orders, recommendations and blows, the redhead girl let everyone get down to their task. Sanji and Chopper were assigned to the shopping, Franky and Brook to the cola stock, Robin and Nami to go round the shops, Zoro to the Sunny's watch and Usopp to Luffy's who had ejected from the ship as soon as they had their back turned.

A second later, the straw hat crew members set foot on the mainland with enthusiasm and dashed into the streets cheerfully.


"Look, Usopp! A show!"

The sniper clung on to the wall, his tongue hanging out. After quickly finding Luffy who was gazing blissfully at a spit-roasted chicken, he had bought him one. Since then, and to his utter despair, the captain was running everywhere to discover the city. "Luffy, for God's sake," He begged, "Stop running around... I'm dying here..."

"But look!" The captain pressed his long nose to the poster on the wall and the gunner made an effort to adjust his sight. "A big party in honor of the eclipse," He read. "What eclipse?"

"The eclipse of noon tomorrow, young people!" A rotund inhabitant at their side answered, a broad smile on his lips. "You haven't heard of it?"

As the two pirates were shaking their heads, he continued. "A total solar eclipse will take place tomorrow at noon. It's a very rare event and there'll be lots of entertainment in the evening to celebrate. Stallholders will be present, musicians are coming from all over the region and there'll be a competition for the biggest eater of almonds!"

"A food contest? That's great!" Luffy exclaimed.

"You can register but I gotta warn you, there are very good eaters around here!"

"Don't worry about him," Usopp reassured him, sighing.

"Then you should enjoy it!" The inhabitant finished, resuming his way.

"Thank you! Goodbye!" They answered in unison.


The cook carefully examined the different almonds' varieties before him. He had never seen so many and he was absolutely delighted with his discoveries, dozens of new recipes coming to his mind at their sight. Not far from him, Chopper was selecting dried herbs by the island's sun whose scents invaded the whole market.

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