16. Straight in the eye

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Thanks to KumaZura for proof reading this chapter.

Chapter 16

Straight in the eye

The next morning, the crew parted ways to stock up the Sunny. Sanji, Luffy and Usopp took care of the food, Chopper and Brook of the medical supplies, Franky and Zoro of the cola and the girls went to visit the museums and exchange some treasures against berries. Nami also took the opportunity to buy a gift for her sister and after having dropped off the parcel with the address of her native village, she felt more relaxed.

At lunchtime, they met on the ship before going to eat outside. Luffy wasn't leaving his stuffed animal and had put it on the figurehead with him. He was showing Chopper how he had tied a thread with a hook on one of his legs so that the soft toy could fish with them.

"Pay attention to your stuffed animal, Luffy," Nami groaned as she passed by, "It'll fall into the sea and I'm not the one who'll go get it!"

"Don't worry, I'm holding him! We're having too much fun with him!" He showed her, laughing.

"He's so soft!" Chopper gushed while stroking him.

"He's awesome!" His captain agreed.

"We'll be eating soon, you should find him some shelter while we'll be gone," The young woman suggested to him with a calculating smile.

"We're gonna eat?! Great!" Luffy took the huge stuffed animal in his arms and ran to the boys' quarters to put him down.

"I advise you not to come in right now," Robin's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Luffy turned around and glanced at the archaeologist who was reading quietly on her lounge chair a few steps away. "Why? I need to put my stuffed animal away, we're gonna eat!"

"What's going on?" Nami asked, approaching with Chopper.

"The place is taken," Her friend replied in a neutral manner.

The navigator raised her eyebrows before grasping the implication and rolling her eyes. At her side, the reindeer also understood and blushed in spite of himself. "Luffy, you'll put your stuffed animal away later," Nami decided.

"But I'm hungry!" The captain got impatient. "I put him away and let's go!"

"Don't you dare go through that door until Robin gives you permission to do so, is that clear?" The navigator ordered him, threatening.

"But why?" He whimpered.

"Zoro and Sanji are busy, we must not disturb them," The archaeologist explained quietly.

"Oh. What are they doing?"

Nami bit her lip and Chopper blushed again. "It's a private thing so don't bother them, that's all!" The young woman concluded with irritation.

"Okay but they need to do it fast otherwise I'll go get them myself! I'm hungry!" He pouted.

"Let's go fishing with your stuffed animal while waiting," The little doctor kindly offered him.

The red-haired woman nodded with relief and Robin smiled as she was turning her page.


When the swordsman and cook came out of the room a little later, they didn't miss Nami's exasperated glance and Robin's sweet smile in their direction. In front of their perplexed faces, Usopp pointed to his watch and then to Luffy who was running around the deck.

"Why didn't you warn us?" The blond wondered.

"We didn't want to bother you," Franky replied with a big conniving smile.

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