34. Beneath the surface

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Thanks to KumaZura for proof reading this chapter.


Two days later, Nami pointed her binoculars at the ocean before searching the sky. She then turned her gaze on a part of the crew on deck, namely Usopp, Luffy, Franky and Brook. "We are in an opposing currents zone; there'll be a risk of rogue waves all day. Be careful," She warned them.

"We're gonna be shaken, awesome!" Luffy shouted as he hung on the figurehead. The navigator rolled her eyes and went to the library after asking Franky to stay at the helm. She didn't want to see their captain fall into the water with no other excuse than his impatience to see the waves.

Usopp stood against the rail and took out his own binoculars. He watched the sea for several minutes before pointing north. "I see one!" He stated worriedly.

Franky turned to the indicated direction before shaking his head. "It's very small. Those kinds of waves won't hurt the Sunny."

"Let's be careful though. Rogue waves are by definition treacherous," Brook pointed out.

For nearly half an hour, the friends remained on the alert but the ship was rarely hit by small jolts and soon, activities resumed quietly. In the middle of the morning, the doctor left the boys' quarter holding a big box between his little paws. He approached his crewmates cheerfully and called out to them.

"Luffy, I brought your box!" He showed him. "It's time!"

"How cool!" The captain got enthusiastic, rushing towards him.

"Chopper, be careful!" Usopp yelled, pointing to something behind him.

The poor reindeer tried to turn around to see the threat, but it was already too late. The Sunny was violently hit by a two meters high wave and Chopper was thrown against the rail under the impact. Fortunately, Luffy's elastic hand immediately wrapped around his body and prevented him from tipping overboard while his other arm secured them to the mast. For his part, Franky clung on to the helm and Usopp and Brook tried to hold on to each other before rolling on the deck.

As soon as the rolling faded, Chopper picked up the now empty box of insects that had fallen open. "Oh, no, they escaped!" He exclaimed, horrified.

"You kidding?!" Usopp became alarmed. "Man, Nami's gonna kill us!"

He dived into the grass again, this time to pick up as many insects as possible. Brook, Chopper and Luffy quickly did the same while Franky was checking the hull's condition. The captain then began to pursue several ants and tried to put them in the box but the little animals were running everywhere on his hands and arms.

"We absolutely have to find them all," the gunner panicked, putting down a multicolored beetle and a locust.

"In addition, the poor plant wouldn't have enough food until the next island," The little doctor added with guilt as he was spotting a group of bugs.

"They won't get very far, we're on a ship," Brook pointed out, grabbing two butterflies.

"That's the problem," Franky growled, bringing in several grasshoppers. "They'll come out unexpectedly anywhere."

Suddenly, the library door opened and Nami stepped forward to inquire about the ship's condition. The cyborg immediately reassured her while his friends were speeding up their search, hoping the navigator wouldn't come and make sure. Fortunately, she seemed to trust Franky and she closed the door behind her after asking them to continue to be cautious.

The small group sighing in relief when an expletive made them jump.

"Holy fucking shit, what the hell is that?!" The cook's voice yelled at the bottom of the steps.

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