in the dark

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She couldn't stand it.

She couldn't stand him.

Ever since he came back from his trip around the world, she noticed him avoiding her.

He was very subtle about it, of course. None of the other Counters even noticed.

But she did.

He stopped training with her one on one, instead preferring to help Jeok-bong improve on his telekinesis.

He avoided being alone with her, instead saying he was meeting up with his friends or that he needed to help Ms. Chu with something.

In fact, the only time he would ever even look at her was if she was yelling at him.

That was different too.

So Mun and Do Hana were never one to fight. In fact, the rest of the Counters could count on one hand the number of times they even argued.

But now, it was as if all they could do was fight.

About the best course of action for fighting evil spirits. When to have group training sessions. Sometimes even who should set the dinner table.

Ok, so maybe the other Counters didn't notice So Mun ignoring Do Hana, but they definitely noticed their arguments.

Despite the Counters' best efforts, So Mun and Do Hana didn't look like they were stopping anytime soon.

So, when Do Hana noticed So Mun sneaking back into the warehouse at the ungodly hour of 3 am, she knew she was bound to start a fight.

The first thing she noticed was the sweat stains on his t-shirt and the wetness of his hair, despite there being no rain outside.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hana whisper yelled.

So Mun jumped and looked terrified. Recently, almost everything seemed to set him off.

"Oh, it's just you, Noona." So Mun said with a sigh.

"So, what were you doing out so late?" Hana asked.

She started to walk closer to, So Mun as she waited for his answer.

"Just couldn't sleep, so I went out for a run." So Mun said nonchalantly.

Here's a little secret about Do Hana: She knows So Mun's cues and expressions like the back of her hand.

While So Mun thought he was being sneaky, Do Hana knew there was something else going on.

She took a closer look at his mannerisms and noticed something. He was covering up his right side with his jacket. Upon second glance, she noticed bruises and cuts on his hand that were still red.

Before So Mun could even turn away, she quickly took off his jacket to further inspect what he was hiding.

To her horror, there was a once white cloth, now bright red soaked with blood that started to drip onto the floor.

Do Hana, once upon a time, might've softened her expression and immediately called for Ms. Chu to help him. Instead, she looked up at him from his wound and gave him a sharp glare.

"I can't believe you! What the hell have you been doing? And don't give me that nonsense about being on a run." She exclaimed, louder than she intended.

"It's nothing, Noona. I'm fine, I just have to go clean the wound and I'll head right to bed." He said indifferently.

"Straight to bed? Are you insane? I need to get Ms. Chu right now." Hana said angrily.

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