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"Shouldn't we be trianing extra hard today since it's the last day, i mean." Panda asked as everyone gathered at the common gorunds."well no quite the opposite. It's that last day, so you should be well rested for tomorrow." Gojo said his hand on his hip."Plus, suguru isn't feeling well, so he won't be able to train you all today, and i have a mission." Gojo added . yuji looked a bit concerned."Is he okay?" He asked gojo, smiled."yeahh he's fine. A bit of a stomach flu, he'll be okay." Gojo said. Yuji didn't like that phrasemnet because a stomach flu when referring to geto is him throwing up for hours on end, and yuji had seen that a few times."But as i was saying! You all have the day to do what you want, so go on now. " Gojo instructed before walking off himself."tuna." Inumaki muttered, ponting to the flower beds as he also tugged on yujis sleeve." Uh, yeah, sure, just let me do something first." Yuji said, running off."maki, do you wanna go shopping with me?" Nobara asked, tilting her head at the older teen fiddling with her glasses."Yeah, i don't see why not." Maki said nobara smiled brightly, a small blush falling over her cheeks as she took makis' hand and pulled her along. Inumaki made his way to his flower beds, and megumi began to walk back to his dorm.

Upon making it to his dorms, he noticed that yujis door was wide open. At first, he was gonna ignore it, but the smell of food intrigued him. Megumi peaked his head into the room to see the teen making something. Megumi walked all the way in, knocking on the door as he entered so he wouldn't scare yuji with his silent presence."huh?, oh hi fushi." Yuji greeted Megumi, gave a light wave. He stood beside yuji, watching him make what he assumed was soup. Megumi pulled in yujis sleeve for a moment and brung his hands together very roughly, signing, "What are you doing?" But it Morley spelled out."What r u do-in?" yuji laughed a little at the incorrectness, but he answered."im making soup for ma-dad since he isn't feeling well." Yuji said, then grabbed megumis hand, making letters in sign language."A,E,Y,O,R". Yuji spoke slowly as he made each sign letter."Megumi gave a hum of appreciation. "Im surprised you k...know sign." Megumi signed again, slowly focusing on each letter."When i was younger, i used to be friends with a deaf kid. i asked ma-dad to teach me sign language so i could talk to them.. but by the time i learned it fluently, they had left." Yuji explained his face, going a bit sad when he said they had left."its okay,im sure they appreciated the gesture even when you we -weren't fluent." Megumi signed, getting slightly fustrated when he couldn't remember a letter fast enough. "Awe, thanks, fushi!" Yuji said as he began to pour some soup into tupperware containers."Would you like some fushi? It might sooth your voice a bit." Yuji suggested grabbing another bowl."sure". Megumi signed and grabbed the bowl yuji was handing him. He held it still as yuji poured soup into it. Yuji grabbed a spoon, placing it in megumis bowl."im gonna go take these to ma-dad then help inumaki san with his garden, fill free to stay in here the tv remote is on the night stand, there are drinks in the fridge and theres more soup if you want it!" Yuji explained, pointing to each thing he mentioned. He gave megumi one last sweet smile and left the room, closing the door behind him. Megumi stood there for a moment, thinking about his course of action, but decided to stay in yujis' room. He made his way to the bed, grabbing the remote and turing the tv on watching whatever cartoon was on as he ate.

Yuji walked quickly to gojos' room since that's where he assumed his father was. He had already spent 20 minutes warming the soup up he didn't want to spend too long with his dad cause then inumaki wouldn't need his help anymore. Yuji made it to the room, knocking on the door. After about 30 seconds of shuffling a weak voice called out, allowing him in. Yuji entered the room. Seeing geto sitting on the bed, he seemed like he was awoken by the knocking. "Im sorry did i wake you?" Yuji asked, sitting the containers on the counter." Y.. yeah but it's okay. What's up? Do you need something?" Geto asked, yawning and clearing his very much still aching throat."No, i made you soup. i heard you had a "stomach bug. " Yuji said using hand quotation marks."Yeah, im doing better now, tho." Geto said and stood up, walking to yuji, giving him a hug running his fingers through his hair. This gesture was always something geto really enjoyed yuji never really got the reason for it, but liked hugs, so he always accepted them with open arms. Geto used it as a sense to ground himself he could possibly try it with other people, but he knew for a fact it worked when he hugged yuji, and that was all he needed."Uh.. ma-dad, i have to get going. im supposed to be meeting with inumaki san. " Yuji spoke into his fathers chest. Geto, let go."sorry." Geto spoke and coughed slightly."It's okay, make sure you eat!" Yuji said before running out the room. Geto stared at the containers."Soup?" He thought, walking over and lifting one. He smiled softly "ofcourse he'd remember something like this." Geto thought as he grabbed one container and out the rest into the refrigerator. He grabbed a spoon and went to sit on the bed slowly but happily eating the soup.

"Suguruuu," gojo called out lazily, walking into his best friends room. Gojo looked around confused when he didn't see said best friend, tho."suguru?" He called again to no avail there was no answer. He wondered around looking for the older till he heard a very pained gag come from the dark bathroom. Gojo walked over, running his hand along the wall till he found the light in which he flipped on. Geto, who sat on the floor by the toilet, very adublie hissed. "Suguru, are you okay?" Gojo asked, walking to geto who glared at him."What a stupid question satoru do i look okay!" Geto hissed out nothing but anger and annoyance follwed each word. Gojo stared at him for a moment, feeling stupid and abit upset that he angered geto. He must have shown these emotions because getos' face softened, and he sighed."im sorry..im just in pain and stressed...forgive me" geto mutterd watching gojo face expression change from upset to even more upset."no its okay, i should've known you weren't okay. you're literally sitting on the floor. Is there a way i can help you?" Gojo asked, crouching down and pulling getos hair out of his face."Mmm, just stay here...please," Geto muttered, leaning into gojo Touch a bit."will do, and i read that soup is good for people who have hard times eating!" Gojo added geto rasied an eyebrow."When you're done in here, I'll put you to bed and make you soup."gojo cooed, grabbing a hair wrapper off his wrist and tying getos hair into a low ponytail as the older leaned over, throwing up again. "T..that'd b..be nice." Geto mutterd.

Gojo did indeed make geto soup and made sure geto actually kept it down. That night, he stayed by getos' side, not sleeping, just holding him.

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