Operation Firestorm

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(Gaoling Fire nation command).

General Hai Fong Sat in his command tent looking over a map and a new scout report. 

Which read: Large imperial force approaching Gaoling estimated size 250'000 and is supported by hundreds of tanks and cannons. 

Hai song leaned back in his chair and faced the wall behind him. In the last 4 weeks since the battle of zon lao the empire had been making steady progress and was spreading out. to make matters worse the overall commander of the eastern fire nation army group was High general kai Zen and he was ruthless but also extremely reckless.

He was still looking over his map when his adjutant stepped into the tent full uniform.

"Sir the preparations are complete."

'very good Colonel Zayn."

"sir IF I may be so bold as to say this. But why are we hiding in the ground in trenches and hiding behind walls like cowards."

"COLONEL  Need I explain the plan to you again. every time we have tried to do open warfare against the empire we have suffered devastating losses. So therefore we will dig in and wait for their attack and use overwhelming artillery power to grind them down."

"I know that sir but That is the cowards way to do things and I must protest."

"Would you still protest as a Corporal in those trenches." He says standing up and glaring at his adjutant.

"NO sir I Would not. I will go Prepare the men." He says while growling softly .

(Imperial forward camp). 

"The men are in position General Rommel."

"Good tell the mages to strike force and put the tanks at the front."

"Yes sir."

After another 30 minutes the imperial 7th panzer army was advancing.

(5 hours after the battle start). Fire nation

"Sir message form the front."

"So the 11th and 14th infantry companies were wiped out."

'yes sir. also our force shave reported that they have been unable to halt the flying men."

'Hmm are the trenches still stable."

'Yes sir but the first line is taking heavy losses."

"That's fine. Put more catapults on teh second line and tell them to fire as soon as the enemy is in range. also tell the men of first line to pull back In 2 hours."

'Of course sir."

General Hai Fog looked out at the battlefield in front of him He could hear distant explosions and knew that today would be a dark day for the army.


"sir Our forces report the 5th and 8th Infantry companies are gone as well as the 16th artillery company."

"Hmm It would seem the enemy is more prepare then I thought. Have any units reached the city."

"No sir."

"Ok then Pull the tanks back to cover the infantry more and continue our steady advance I want the mages though to target the city walls now." 

"Yes sir."

"If I may ask sir why not just let teh tanks charge the enemy they clearly have no Anti tank weapons."

'True but if the tanks advance and bunch up a fire bender may be able to get on top of the tanks and take them out from the inside."

"I understand sir."

'Just remember Major do not get drunk on the cup of victory. Just because we have been winning this war does not mean we should get over confident. Remember this If we know the enemy and ourselves we need not worry about the results of a hundred battles but if we do not know the enemy we will suffer a defeat with every victory." 

The battle proceeded as follows: after two hours the fire nation pulled back and the empire advanced however they soon came under heavy fire. It was so bad that Rommel had to call mage sin to take out the catapults before the infantry could continue it's advance.

However it soon became clear to Rommel that this may not be as easy as they had thought. The fire nation had paid the Earth benders in the city to help them And due to this they were struggling to make advances because the earth benders kept repairing fortifications.

(fire nation camp: 6 days after battle start).

"Sir we are beginning to push the empire back."

'yes now is teh time to strike order teh rhinos to advance at once and break their front lines. The colonel says while clenching his fist. 

"No. If we advance now we will lose more men then we already have." Hai fong says immediately shooting the idea down.

However the colonel was not keen on listening. He ordered teh rhinos to attack anyways and the results were disastrous. 

The Rhino Battalions were Meet by 3 panzer divisions which tore them to shreds. The result of the brief skirmish was 3'000 fire nation dead and only 30 imperials dead.

When Hai fong learned about the colonel's actions he was livid and had him demoted on the spot he ordered him to be returned to the fire nation for trial.

After 3 more days the battle was over. It was indeed a bloody day for both sides. The fire nation lost 340'000 men and most of their heavy weapons.

The empire lost 80'000 men and 1/6th of their armour and 1/4th their artillery. 

When Tanya learned the results she ordered that big battles were to be avoided for the time being. The empire soon launched numerous air raids against the fire nation in retaliation.

AUTHORS NOTES: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. And I hope your all enjoying this story. 

IN our next chapter lets just say the walls will be hard to crack but I ask you all to please comment on this vote please. 

Do you want the empire to attack ba sing se or shall i proceed with what the fire nation does in the actual show. 

Leave your vote in the comments and next Tuesday will be the results of your votes

PS IF no one votes I'll just decide.

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