The Great Battle Of Zon-Lao

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(fire nation front line).  10 hours earlier 

captain Hai-Feng liked to think of himself as the captain of the bravest troops the fire nation had ever seen and he did not hesitate to state as such to his fellow officers. During several campaigns his unit was know as the death seekers due to them having a tendency to no retreating when the others did. in one battle the battle of Mao-long port his men charged earth kingdom defenders despite being outnumbered 6 to 1 and they had racked the highest kill count of any other unit during that battle. He was actually more worried that his men may dis obey orders and go on their own to find the nearest earth kingdom out post if they weren't given new attack orders soon. 

His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of his adjutant Lieutenant zei. 

"Sir general Harsha has arived and has ordered all available officers and men to assemble."

Seeing his lieutenants eager smile Hai-Feng knew exactly what his lieutenant was thinking and wanted. " Well lets not keep him waiting then. Get the boys assembled Lieutenant."

Bowing quickly." with pleasure sir."

The captain nd his men quickly assembled out side just in time to see the general rise on a stage to deliver his speech.  

"soldiers today will be a glorious day for the fire nation. By order of the fire lord operation thunder rhino has been approved. Today Gaoling falls and we will surge forward to victories unprecedented in fire nation history. I Know some of you fear not the earth kingdom but that mysterious new threat the empire I order you all to show them no fear our army has faced down way worse than anything the empire has. We took omashu and soon Gaoling and then ba sing se will be ours. Soldiers show them no fear and go and conquer for the glory of the fire nation cowardice will not be tolerated show them no mercy. NOW GO FORTH TO ULTIMATE VICTORY.  HAIL THE FIRE LORD GLORY TO THE FIRE NATION.

" HAIL THE FIRE LORD AND GLORY TO THE FIRE NATION." Thousands of voices echoed back. 

(imperial si Wong command base) 3 hours later. 

"speak major what is going on." 

"sir the 6thh infantry division and the 23rd artillery regiment were ambushed last night and wiped out. Scouts report the fire nation armies are running rampant around the desert destroying our infantry units." 

"That means nothing our tanks are still intact let them come we will crush them and then we will-." The arrogant officer immediately stopped talking when Rommel shot him a death glare before turning back to the major. 

"how strong." 

"we estimate at least 25 divisions in or running towards the desert sir. We also estimate a similar sized force is heading for the city of Gaoling." 

Rommel cursed. He only had 8 divisions in the desert army due to the harsh climate of desert war fare and to ease on supply demand Rommel had requested that the rest of the 7th panzer army stay at imperial Shou long to await orders. he immediately turned to a brigadier general.

"General hammerslacht get onto the next transport plane bound for Shou long and inform the filed marshal what's happening here." turning to the rest of his staff." The rest of you order the troops to conduct a fighting with drawl towards zon-lao at once. It's highly probable that that's the fire nation's target." 


(some hours later).

"all men keep moving we need to get to zon-lao before the fire nation does."

Rommel in his characteristic bravery was leading a vast column of his troops towards zon-lao. He had to sacrifice 5 tank battalions to delay the fire nation so the rest of the army could keep going. 

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