The Warriors terms

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After the empire helped them against Azulla Suki and her warriors went with the Captain and his men to maolong port. Last time suki checked Maolong was occupied by the fire nation. Now it looked more heavily fortified then when the earth kingdom had it. It also made Kyoshi island look weak in comparison to its military power.

"You look impressed Kyoshi warrior Suki." Captain Schneider says with a small smile.

"Suki is just fine Captain. Yes I am very impressed with the level of security here."

"Indeed The field Marshall wasted no time in fortifying our new gains."

"Just how long has your empire been at war with the fire nation what's the story here." Suki asks looking at the captain."

"Actually It was the earth kingdom who dragged us into war not them."

"Impossible The earth kingdom would never strike against a country that was neutral." One of the younger warriors protests.

"Hold on kyumi They are probably telling the truth. Remember war makes anyone desperate If I had to guess they probably attacked the empire cause they believed it had resources that could aid them in their war effort." She says looking to the captain for confirmation

"I'm not certain if that was their intentions. All I know is they attacked the imperial capital and teh brass wanted retribution and peace terms and now here we are." He Says with a shrug and gesturing with his arms to emphasise his confusion about the war. " Anyways we need to take you to the port commander he should be able to arrange transport to Shou-long." he says while gesturing for them to follow him.

The Port commander Vice admiral Holman was surprised to meet the Kyoshi warriors as he believed all earth kingdom military personnel were either fighting them or the fire nation so to see some who wanted peace and an audience with the Field Marshall was different.

Never the less he arranged for their transport and they were reluctant to board the plane they did so anyways. The view was absolutely breath taking for the warriors who were used to either travelling via foot or ship.

After 5 hours of flying they landed in Shou long. Where they were greeted by the sight of more military power then they had ever seen. They were greeted by 2 mage companies and a man in a uniform that looked similar to captain Schneider's but they Guessed he was of higher rank when The captain saluted him. 

Wanting to make a good impression the Kyoshi warriors bowed to the man as per their custom for high ranking officials.

"Their Is no need for bowing here. You are the Kyoshi warriors correct." The man says with a smile.

"Yes we are." Suki says standing up

 "AH I Am very glad to meet you all then. I am Mage Colonel Willibald Koenig OF the 23rd Mage Corps ." He says reaching his hand which suki takes after a brief moment of hesitation . " Anyway we must not keep the field marshal waiting come on." He says gesturing for them to follow him

After about 20 minutes of walking they came to A large wooden building about 2 stories high. Once inside the building Koenig escorted them to a large office on the second floor. The office had a rug a small table and 2 couches and two chairs along with a large wooden desk on the end of the room near a big window. 

Sitting Behind the desk was a young Women who looked no older then 19. However Suki quickly figured out she was most likely the Field marshal everyone was talking about Just based on her outfit and an air of authority that surrounded her.  Suki had been told to leave most of her warriors outside with the mages so she only took her most trusted lieutenants.

They along with Koenig and Schneider quickly saluted the young woman.

"At ease." She says returning the gesture. " Please sit." She says gesturing with her hand towards the couches and chairs. Suki and her warriors took one couch while Koenig and Schneider took the other while she sat in one of the chairs.

"Coffee." she says gesturing to the pot that was sitting on the table.

"Sure is it like tea." Suki asks with looking at The field marshal who smiled at her.

"In a way yes. I am assuming you never had this before." She says while handing a cup to her. 

After taking a sip suki felt warmth fill her body and she felt more alert then before.

"Anyways we should get down to business. But first introductions I am Field marshal Tanya Von Degurechauf commander of teh imperial new world expeditionary force."

"We are the Kyoshi warriors I Am Suki And these two are my lieutenants Minh and Voya."

"Do you associate with the earth king." Tanya asks with a suspicious look. 

"No Kyoshi Island is independent and Neutral Aside form our current war against the fire nation."

"Good then this should be easy. Captain Schneider tells me that you are all very capable warriors."

"Yes we are trained form birth." Suki says bowing her head in thanks for Tanya's words

"Could you show me where Kyoshi Island is on the map." Tanya says as she pulls a map out form beside her chair.

"Yes here it is." Suki says pointing to a small piece of land in  the south sea.

"Hmm perhaps we can help each other then."

"What do you mean?"

"We need more ports to secure our holdings on the sea and you all seem like you could use a technological edge in your fight against the fire nation." Tanya says giving the warriors a grin.

"I'm listening." Suki Says folding her arms across her chest.

"IF you allow us to use Kyoshi Island as a base Then I can help improve it's economy using our ships and control of the seas and I can also grant you Captain Schneider and his men who can support your efforts against the fire nation."

Suki thought for a few moments weighing teh pros and cons of the arrangement. However the Woman's logic and confidence left almost no con for the deal.

"I accept however you will need to take one of my Lieutenants with you when you go to the island so they can inform the council about what is going on."

"Very well. With that all said and done I must be going now."

'Where are you going mam." Suki asks looking at the young woman who was walking towards to door."

"No where far I just have to go Give the go ahead."

"The go ahead? Are you planning on attacking the fire nation."

"Very perceptive. Yes I am But not their homeland you see Gaoling is an obstacle to our plans to cut the Earth kingdom in two so I had to  bolster our attack forces so they could attack the city." 

"Then let us help you." Minh says standing up determination in her eyes staring at Tanya.

"NO I will not risk the lives of our allies."

'But we are warriors. let us fight." Voya says looking equally determined.

'Going to that battle field will be a deathtrap. Gaoling is heavily fortified and due to it's large civilian population I can't provide effective air cover it will be a blood bath."

Suki then stood up and faced Tanya as well determination in her own eyes." Field marshal we are allies are we not? Then let us aid you in this  battle we don't have to go to teh front but at least let us help your men."

Tanya sighed in defeat and gave her approval.

Once at the communications room Tanya called Rommel.

"This is general Rommel."

"Rommel Its time. Let operation Firestorm begin."

Authors notes: Next chapter the battle of gaoling. Also friendly reminder i Do not own Saga of Tanya or Avatar the last air bender all rights belong to the creators and owners of these franchises. anyways have a great day guys

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