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"JUSTIN, it's been a long time since I saw you!" Chloe exclaimed.

They do a special kind of high-five.

"Because you're too cool for us now, Chloe."

"There's too much bullshit going on."

Justin laughed. "Try going to Blackwell... Crazy!"

"That's how it is."

"Any news about Rachel?" Justin asked.

It was clear that they often hung out together.

"Dude, I wish. I'm working on it."

"I miss his laugh...when I fell off my skateboard," Justin said.

"She's probably drunk."

"Yeah, she's got cool nugs."

Chloe laughed. "That's right. Okay, I have to get up."

"Come hang out with us at the park sometime."

They were still chatting and I left them.

I headed towards Samuel who was sitting with Mrs Grant.

"How are you, Max? It's been a rough week, I know," he said kindly.

"Yes, I have, Samuel. How are you?"

"Sad and confused, like everyone in Arcadia Bay. Looks like you have a lot of questions too."

"More questions than answers," I said.

"Samuel is always here to talk."

I went straight to the point. "Have you seen Nathan Prescott?"

"It's going to be difficult, because he's suspended."

"You don't sound sad, Samuel."

Samuel smiled sarcastically. "Nathan hurts people. The end."

"What do you really know about him?"

"Not enough to help you, Max. I really wish I could... I saw what you did."

Well, one person's opinion isn't enough. I walked through the park again.

Brooke was standing not far from the pole. I approached him.

"Hi, Brooke, how are you?"

"Considering what happened to Kate, I could have been better. Are you okay?"

"I need to find Nathan, have you seen him?"

"Eh? Ask Warren. I mean, you went to the movies with him and all," Brooke said more jealously than suspiciously.

"Come on, Brooke, don't be like that. Nathan is suspended, but he has to stay on campus," I said.

Brooke smiled wryly. It's clear he doesn't like me. "Warren's not good enough for you? Okay. I saw Nathan get angry and walk off campus earlier. Good luck getting a date with Nathan, Max."

Seriously. Can't quite get Nathan in the alternate timeline, Max? Until you look for it here now... Duh.

Chloe turned around as I approached. She gave Justin a high five and a fist bump, then walked over to me.

"The coast is safe. It would be really cool if you and I went to school together here."

"But now you can have Mr. Jefferson all to yourself," Chloe said mischievously.

"Ugh, you suck. Now let's get into Blackwell Ninja mode," I said.

We entered the Boys' Dormitory.

The boys' dormitory is not much different from the pigsty. Messy, full of graffiti on the walls and smelly.

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