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I woke up, jolted, and found myself sitting on the green grass of the campus grounds listening to Zachari drone on about how great the Big Foots were at the national football game. Next to me sat Victoria, who immediately looked at me realizing I was shocked.

"Hellooo... Are you even listening, Maxine?" she asked.

"Max. Never Maxine," I answered.

Instantly her expression changed to guilt and worry. "I know, sorry, Mad Max. You're not mad at me, are you? Right?"

"I think Max is drunk," said Courtney.

"She's acting, like, really weird... You okay, Max?" Taylor asked.

Courtney snorted. "No one listened when I said we shouldn't let her enter the Vortex..."

"Courtney, you don't want anyone at the club," Taylor chimed in again, rolling her eyes.

What is this? Why are they so friendly? I even sat in the Vortex Club group. Taylor, Courtney, even Nathan, who was sitting across from me looked at me with a smile... A strange smile that gave me goosebumps. His eyes no longer showed hatred, but were warm and caring.

Nathan was no longer wearing his red jacket, he was wearing a soft blue jacket that still looked just as expensive. His brown hair was combed neatly back and had a slight golden glow reflected in the afternoon sun. His eyes couldn't leave me even though Zachari was talking to him.

What have I changed? I just prevented William from getting in the car and things became weird like this? I even wore a magenta jacket and white jeans, I've never been so fashionable.

Before I could explode in panic, I got up, the whole group looked at me. I ignored them and immediately ran away. Not far from where I was, Warren was holding hands with Stella.

I approached them, but Warren ignored me.


They looked at each other full of admiration. Then Warren stroked Stella's head and the girl put her head on Warren's shoulder...

There's something in my heart that's breaking, but there's something more important now. If my life changes, what about Chloe? .....And William?

I ran towards the bus, but someone grabbed my hand. A pale, soft hand. I looked up and immediately slapped his hand away as soon as I knew who he was.

"Hey? Why?" Nathan asked.

My forehead furrowed deeply. I turned towards the group and they were watching us.

"Are you still angry?"

I just kept quiet.

"Because of your entry for Everyday Heroes?" He got closer to me. And the alarm inside me made me move backwards. Just looking at him, I already have a natural instinct to be alert. However, this Nathan... he was flustered when I pulled away, and his expression was almost hurt.

"What's wrong, Max?" he asked again.

What's wrong with him? Usually he calls me Caulfield. In a disrespectful way.

I shook my head. "This is wrong."

"What? Look, you don't need to worry about your entry... You want to... go for a walk to calm your mind, darling?"

I gasped. I felt like my heart was going to stop when he called me that. Then without me knowing, his hand had touched my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. He bit my lower lip before I pushed him back and slapped him with one hand.

"Shit!" he cursed. "What's wrong with you?"

The familiar scream had returned, but his eyes were hurt. I couldn't face it anymore, I ran to the bus.

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