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CHLOE drives her truck on a dirt road, passing a sign that says "No Trespassing." She stopped at the barn and the garden. We got out of the truck and approached the warehouse.

"Man, this is scary." I sighed. My whole body got goosebumps just looking at an old warehouse made of wood towering in front of us.

It seemed that the warehouse had been neglected for years and no one had found it because it was covered by tall pine trees around it. The ground was soft and muddy from raindrops.

"I know, but we're here. Let's find the best way in."

I bowed right in front of the main entrance which was padlocked. On the ground were fresh tire tracks.

"Wow, look at this. New tire tracks."

These are thick tracks and definitely new... Nathan's SUV?

Chloe also bent down beside me. "Dude, someone was just here."

"Then we should go into the warehouse," I suggested.

I was walking around looking for another entrance when a cute otter walked into a small hole in the side of the barn. There is a zinc plate that covers the big secret of this place.

I moved the zinc sheet and opened the way to enter.

"Chloe! I found the front door! Come on!" I screamed.

"Oh yeah! MAX rules!" She answered while running.

We went inside an old barn filled with hay everywhere. Full of dust and light filtering through the hollow wooden roof above.

"Oh my God, this is too Blair Witch... I'm getting goosebumps," I whispered.

"Come on, Super Max. Hey, look at this old chest!" Chloe looked down and dug through the chest.

"A little louder, Chloe! God, that's old," I commented as she started getting at the worn books and clippings.

"Jackpot. Old turd."

"No, look closer," I said.

""Harry Aaron Prescott and family donate new library to Arcadia Bay"... "Prescott Industries celebrates opening"... "Prescott family brings bomb shelter boom to town.""

"Nice scrapbook. You look for more clues and I'll check the area."

Yes, old Prescott clippings, but that's not the only thing here.

"Boring...boring..." Chloe commented flipping through the clipping.

I walked to the other side of the old barn and searched the ground, revealing a hatch. A hatch is a space below the deck that is useful as a place to store cargo.

Wow, what is this? This is really new. Why?

It's locked with a padlock of course. I can't open it with my bare hands. Try again, Max.

I attached the nearest hook to the lock then walked over to the platform and tried to climb onto it.

"Chloe, can you do me a favor?" I exclaimed.

"Sidekick at your service! Up, up and down, Super Max." Chloe provided her hands to support my feet so I could crawl higher up.

"I'm happy to have minions."

I'm at the top of the woodwork now. My head almost touched the wooden roof, but it was still safe. I took the old motorbike down from the platform above, stepped onto it, and climbed onto the next platform. Then I rewind time until the motorbike is back in place, then put the rope near me. I kicked the motorbike, it fell, and pulled the lock.

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