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I opened my cupboard. Maybe I'll just wear a shirt and jeans. Hey, Einstein had the exact same settings for every day of the week. And he couldn't even rewind time.

Kate's book must be on the sofa. I searched the couch beneath my draped shirt, but there was no book here.

I browse the mess on the table. My desk is a pigsty, but...I know it doesn't exist. I looked down for Kate's book on the messy floor. And there's nothing here. I looked for a mess on the end table next to the sofa. I lifted the piece of paper and found the book, but accidentally spilled a cup of soda on it.

Of course you spilled soda on Kate's book, Max. Better fix this quickly. Kate needed the book and I didn't want to add to her list of problems.

I rewound, then moved the cup.

"Go away, faul soft drink!"

I took the book.

Aha, you sniky book, you are mine! Now I can finally take this back to Kate before I'm too late. As if I have to worry about being late again... I have all the time in the world now.

I left my room. Kate's room is two rooms after mine.

Kate's chalkboard has insults written all over it. Something related to the viral video. So I deleted it.

I knocked on the door.

"Kate? You in there?"

"Yes, I'm here. Come in, Max..."

I entered Kate's dark room. Kate sat with her head down at her study table. For a while I wasn't silent and she didn't pay attention to me either. Beside me there is a large mirror covered by a dark blue sweater. Why did she cover the mirror? Was she ashamed of himself? Oh, poor Kate...

Besides, the things are neatly arranged, 180 degrees different from my messy nest. The violin rests on the maroon sofa. Kate used to play the violin every morning. She stopped a week ago. There is an open iPad. I accidentally saw a message from her mother.

"Kate, your father and I got a call from the principal about your behavior and a viral video at the party. Our concerns about sending you to Blackwell seemed to be confirmed.

Please call us after your class this afternoon so we can discuss this matter. We hope you don't embarrass this family.

We pray for you and hope you ask God for forgiveness.

Your mother."

Kate is really facing the damn viral video problem herself. I hope his mother doesn't disown her.

Beside the iPad there is a letter paper.

"Dear Katie,

No angel or devil could have prepared me for what you did in that video. And like a jezebel you shed your whore image before God's eyes. I will pray with my church for your soul to be saved from eternal hell.

Auntie Marsh."

Maybe Kate has a split personality. Church girl in the morning, party monster at night? The viral video doesn't look like her. She was always pious and loved the Bible. She even has her own notes in his bible.

"Come to Me all you who are weary, and feel the heaviness of your burden; I will refresh you."

Matthew 11:28. I think that's her favorite verse.

My parents never took me to church. I don't have any desire to rebel, I don't know what to believe now...

I stepped closer to Kate. Oops... Turns out there was a pile of dirty clothes on the floor next to the cupboard. Kate's room is usually tidy. This must be like a pigsty for her. On the chair there is drawing paper. Kate's work is suitable for children's books. The pictures are fun, colorful and positive.

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