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I had to go to my room and return Warren's flash drive.

I walked to my dormitory which was a building on the side of campus. Within the same building, there are separate living rooms for male and female students. Janitor Samuel Taylor's custodial room is located to the left of the dorm entrance. In the dormitory yard in front of the building entrance, there is a mysterious Tobanga Native American totem and a large green lawn.

Zachary and his friends are playing catch and catch for tournament practice, it seems. Alyssa was reading a novel on the way to the entrance. Kate was sitting daydreaming away from the others.

I was just idly reading the plaque on the dormitory gate.

'Prescott Dormitory.'

Oh my gosh, Nathan's family owns my dorm?

Prescott Dormitory is owned by the Prescott family, to which it was generously donated in 1998.

Thank you.

Honestly cool to realize that I have my own room here.

I walked towards the entrance and it was great. Like the cherry on top of my cake, Victoria was there with Taylor and Courtney, sitting right on the steps of the entrance porch.

"Oh, look, it's Max Caulfield, Blackwell's selfie ho. What a lame gimmick. Even Mark—Mr. Jefferson—falls for your waif hipster bullshit. "Daguerreian process, sir!" You can barely even say that. "I thought your medicines were filled," said Victoria.

Taylor and Courtney laughed.

Really? I wish her parents could see her in action. They're going to cut that trust fund fast. Then again, she's in the Vortex Club, and they apparently have a school, so maybe that's why she doesn't care.

The strange thing is that she actually knows art and photography. She could even say all the French names that broke my tongue. Her work is a little cold, but she has a good eye.

She also has a crush on Mr. Jefferson, which is so obvious that I'm embarrassed for her.

She did everything except sit on his lap. Mr Jefferson kept his distance. I know she's trying to win the "Everyday Heroes" contest. I'm sure it drives her crazy when there's someone she can't buy or persuade. Ha!

"Since you already know all the answers, I guess you should find another way to the dorms. We won't move. Oh, wait, hold that pose!" She took her cellphone and took a photo of me.


"So genuine. Don't worry, Max, I'll put a vintage filter on right before I post it all over social media. Now, why don't you fuck with your selfie?"

They laughed. And I swear, I hope they choke.

Oh, yes, Victoria, I'll get rid of your skinny ass.

I walked away to the side looking for another door, but in vain. Then I found Samuel walking towards the stairs. He took the paint, climbed onto the ladder, then hung the paint bucket on the scaffolding.

Hey, I have an idea!

OK, this is a little cruel, but if this is the only way to kick that damn Victoria's arrogant ass once in a while I guess it's pretty even.

I rewind time, then before Samuel comes to the stairs, I break Samuel's bucket by loosening the handle with my hand.

OK, let's see if this works.

I ran to the control room not far away and changed the sprinkler pressure. Victoria, Taylor and Courtney are sprayed with water and wake up from the stairs.

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