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the next day i woke up to my alarm with a groan.

i got up from leah and she put her hands around my waist.

"5 more minutes" she said.

"only 5" i said. i got back in with her and she held me close to her.

"i don't want you to go. a month is a long time" she mumbled against my skin.

"querida i don't want to go either but i have to see my family. i just wish i didn't have to leave you" i said.

5 minutes later i managed to pry myself from leah's arms and got up.

"hermosa, can i wear something from your wardrobe? all my clothes are in my suitcase already" i said.

"of course darling" she said as she got up too.

i pulled out a nike tracksuit and put it on.

i did my hair and we both went downstairs.

after eating breakfast, i sat on the sofa. leah came and sat on my lap. she kissed my lips before kneeling on the floor between my legs.

"leah what are you doing" i said.

"i need to make the most of this time. i won't be able to taste you for a whole month." she said. she togged down my joggers and underwear and spread my legs.

she pressed her tongue into my clit and i moaned out.

she licked a few times through my folds before plunging in and licking me out. my hands were at her hair, pushing her further in. i pulled at her hair and she moaned against my clit, sending vibrations through my body.

"fuck" i moaned.

i reached my high and released my juices into leah's mouth. she cleaned me up and helped me put my pants back on.

we got into the car. i put my suitcase in the boot and got in the drivers seat.

i drove us to the airport and we got out. i checked in my suitcase and we walked through as far as leah was allowed.

"you can drive my ferrari wherever you want" i said giving her the keys.

"don't go baby" she said as she hugged me tightly placing her hands at my lower back.

"don't say that or i'll ditch my flight" i said, wrapping my arms around her neck and standing on my tiptoes to kiss her lips.

"i'll see you next month" i said. i kissed her lips one more time and then left.

i went and got onto my flight when it was boarding. i was sat in first class as usual and i managed to sleep for almost the whole flight. it was only around 2 hours and then i landed in barcelona.

i went and found my suitcase and then went to find my family.

my abuela and my cousin mateo came to pick me up. mateo is a similar age to me so we always got on well he was like my slightly older brother. we were like the duo in our cousins since we were kids.

"hola mi amor" my grandma said engulfing me in a hug.

"hola abuela" i said, hugging her just as tight. once she released me i went to hug mateo.

"mateo ¿Qué te cuentas? (what's new)" i said.

"Dime, ¿quién es esta chica con la que te sigo viendo en las redes sociales? (you tell me, who's this girl that i keep seeing you with on social media)" he said.

i laughed slightly and shook my head. of course that's the first thing he asks about. me and leah haven't really been posting about eachother it's all from what fans have taken and put online. technically we're not even together... yet.

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