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over the next week or so, things between me and leah went back to normal. i didn't really know what to say to her after she said she likes me. i'm glad that things haven't got weird between us and we can just be normal.

however things haven't been normal. i've thought about leah a lot. i've thought a lot about what she said. some of the things she said make sense to me. i do find her very attractive but i never thought much of it. i've only ever got with guys so i don't even know if i do feel something towards her.

over the week, my feelings grew. maybe i did like her more than a friend. that's probably why i was so desperate to know why she was upset with me. i thought about how i was with my other friends. i've never acted in this way before with them. with leah it's different. everything is different. she makes me very comfortable and the littlest things she does or says make me happy. it seems like i care the most about her opinion over others.

as we went back to being normal and friends again, the flirting started again. this time it was more obvious, on both sides. she was giving it and i was giving it right back.

today i'm going to the club with a few of the girls. leah said she's coming with me so i waited for her.

"leah come on" i shouted from the front door.

"coming" she said running down the stairs.

"wow you look beautiful" she said as she saw me.

"you don't look too bad yourself williamson" i winked.

"tease" she said quietly.

"after you" she said. i stepped out of the house and she locked the door after herself.

we got into my car and i drove us there.

these nights usually end in me getting very drunk, leah not drinking and pretty much babysitting me and then leah driving us home.

we walked in and found the arsenal girls. it was only beth viv katie and caitlin.

"hi sexy" beth joked to me, earning herself a slap on the arm by viv.

"don't worry vivvi your the only woman i truly look at" she said, putting her arm around viv.

we danced and drank throughout the night.

leah's pov

things have been improving with maría. we've gone back to normal. well kind of. i feel like after i told her i like her, she's acting slightly different. she's been calling me things in spanish a lot more and i don't know what they mean. we've been flirting a lot more. it feels like she doesn't really know what she's feeling. maybe she does have feelings for me but she's confused because she's only ever dated guys. i don't know we will see how things go. last time i thought about this i was completely wrong.

i sat with viv in the corner and sipped on my pepsi. every so often my eyes flicked to maría. each time she winks and me or blows a kiss my way.

"why are you not drinking?" i asked viv.

"with the way beth drinks, it's safer for me not to" she said as we look over at beth.

she's doing some random beth thing and dragging maria along with her.

"what about you" she asked.

"i'm driving us home" i told her.

"what's it like driving the ferrari" viv joked.

"honestly i drive it with such caution, i'm scared i might scratch it" i laughed.

we chatted for a while and then i looked around to check on maria.

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