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leah's pov

i woke up the next morning with my arms wrapped around a naked maría. our legs were entwined and her hair was everywhere.

she woke up and realised i was in her bed. she sat up and snatched at the duvet to cover herself up.

"oh my god. what are you- we didn't..." she said.

"no no god no." i said quickly. she clearly doesn't remember a thing from last night. how could she with all that alcohol she was drinking.

"then what are you doing here and why have i got no clothes on" she asked.

"you drank a lot at the party, i drove us home and brought you up. you asked me to sleep here. nothing more" i said.

"i'll go and let you get yourself ready" i said and got out of the bed.

i went to my room and sat on my bed.

i think i like maría. she definitely has a nice body, there's no denying that. but there's just something about her.  i could never stay mad at her. i feel like she wants to open up to me but is holding back.

marías pov

i got up and got dressed, i went downstairs and made breakfast for me and leah. i took some paracetamol for my head. leah still hadn't come down so i went to her room.

"leah, i've made breakfast" i said popping my head in the door.

"leah" i said. she didn't answer. she looked completely out of it.

"Querida, you okay?" i said going up to her. i put my hand on her shoulder.

"hmm what did you say." she said snapping out of her daydream.

"i made breakfast. are you okay? you were miles away" i asked.

"yeah i was just thinking" she said and got up.

"about?" i asked as we walked downstairs.

"never you mind" she joked as we sat down.

we both ate breakfast.

"thank you for making this ri" she said.

"it's no problem hermosa" i said.

leah took both our dishes to the dishwasher and started it.

"want to have a lazy day on the sofa today" she offered.

"sí querida. thought you'd never ask" i said. she laughed and we went to the sofa.

we sat down and got a blanket.

we binge watched the harry potter movies and ate lots of junk food. it feels like she finally doesn't hate me anymore.

throughout the movies, leah asked me lots of questions about my life in spain. she's trying to get to know me better.

"yesterday you said something about taking things out on your boyfriend. what did you mean by that?" she asked.

"erm. i would shout at him for the littlest things. thinking back on it, it was very wrong. he was only trying to help me and i was throwing things back in his face. but i'm sort of happy things ended between us. we weren't the happiest of couples. we argued a lot and i guess we just weren't a good match. there was a lack of effort on both ends but i think after my mum passed, he started trying out of guilt. he felt bad that i lost my mum but our relationship was too ruined by then to fix. he ended things after i snapped at him so yeah" i explained.

we continued watching movies all day.

"i'm going to bed querida. goodnight" i said and went up to bed.

"night ri" she said.

i woke up and checked the time. 4am.

i got up and went downstairs to get a drink. when i came back up, i saw the bathroom door slightly open with the light on and faint crys. i went to the bathroom, knocking before walking in.

i saw leah curled up on the floor with her head in her hands.

"hermosa, are you okay? what happened" i asked.

"i'm fine. actually i'm not. i got my period and it really hurts" she said.

"do you want me to get some painkillers?" i asked.

"i've already taken as much as i'm allowed" she said.

"okay let's go back to bed then" i said.

"i cant move, it hurts too much" she said. the painkillers must have not kicked in yet.

i sat on the floor with her and wrapped my arms around her.

we sat there and leah told me about her endometriosis.

"that must be so hard for you querida" i said softly rubbing her back.

"can you move?" i asked her.

"i think so" she said.

i helped her stand up.

"you go to bed and i'll bring you a hot water bottle" i said.

"i've leaked on my bed. i need to change the sheets first" she said.

"oh le. sleep in my bed. we will sort that out in the morning" i said.

she nodded and went to my room. i went downstairs and made her a hot water bottle. i brought it upstairs and saw her laying uncomfortably.

"here hermosa" i said and gave it to her.

i got in with her and lay trying to sleep.

she kept moving around and not being able to sleep.

"leah what's up?" i asked.

"i cant sleep. i don't feel comfortable" she said.

"come here" i said. i moved her on top of me so she was between my legs and her head was at my chest.

"i've done this with a few of my friends before and it's worked" i told her.

she seemed to relax a bit and put her arms around me. i put my hands at her head and played with her smooth silky hair.

"thank you ria" she said.

"sleep querida" i said softly.

she soon drifted off to sleep. i felt myself relax more and fell asleep myself.

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