Doctor Who/BBC Ghosts 👻 Crossover Part 2

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"Sorry, did you know him?" Asked Alison, as Kitty ran out of the room, presumably to rejoin 20 questions. Alison leaned forward, elbows on knees, and she looked right at the Doctor with no regard for the 'no staring' social rule. That meant two things: 1 - Fanny would be disappointed in her, and 2- This was a very interesting problem.

The Doctor half winced. "In a manner of speaking."

"How can you know someone in a manner of speaking?" Asked Alison.

"Well, you see, it's quite complicated. I won't go into too much detail"

Alison cut him off. "Oh, don't give me that, I live with the Ghost of a disgraced politician, I know what it sounds like when people try and avoid the truth, and right now I want solid facts."

The Doctor looked startled, but decided it was best to get it over with. "I'm the Doctor, I'm an alien, and I've already said that." 

Alison gave him a look that clearly said, get to the point RIGHT NOW. 

"What I haven't said yet is that...I can regenerate. When I die, all of the cells in my body change, and I become a new person. The person you just described is my past incarnation, so I know him in a manner of speaking."

Alison nodded. 

"You're not going to question it?" Asked the Doctor, pleasantly surprised.

"Mate, I live in a house of Ghosts. I'm FAR beyond questioning something supernatural, especially when the explanation fits the pretty weird circumstances."

"Once you've ruled out the impossible, whatever remains - however improbable - must be true." Said the Doctor, grinning. 

"Oooh, that's a quote." Gasped Alison. "I should know this. Who said it?"

"Sherlock Holmes." 

"Of course...." said Alison, slapping herself gently on the forehead. "Hang on a minute, how do you know a Sherlock Holmes quote if you're an alien?"

"I'm an extra terrestrial being, not a Caveman!" 

"'scuse me, I a Caveman, and I know Sherlock Holmes! Great guy."

"You've met Sherlock Holmes! Sherlock Holmes was real!!?" Alison turned in the direction of Robin, who had just strode through the wall at the mention of 'Caveman'. 

"No 'course not. I met Arthur Cone...Coney...."

"Arthur Conan Doyle. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle!" 

"Yeah. 'im. 'e came to the house for an event. Great guy." And with that Robin turned and strode back through the wall, his point proven. Alison shook her head in surprise. The things the Ghosts had experienced would never cease to amaze her.

"Ghost thing?" Asked the Doctor, interrupting her chain of thought.

"Er, yeah. One of them met Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."

"Wow! The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! That's awesome!" 

"That's what I said!" Agreed Alison. She grinned, and was about to ask another question, when she was interrupted by a chorus of shouts from the neighbouring room:

"What the Bally hell is that?"


"No Robin, don't be silly, of course it's not a Mammoth, Mammoths don't have slimy feelers."

"Alson!! Alson!! Come 'ere!" 

"Alison, I'm scared!"

"I think," said Alison to the Doctor, "we may have a problem."

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