A Prank in the Past

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Obviously I did not write the dialogue taken directly from Doctor Who: The Fires of Pompeii (S4 E2). Hope you enjoy :)

The TARDIS, which most recently had been nicknamed "Modern Art", stood in the corner of the room. The other TARDIS was on the opposite side of the wall. The 'other one' was slightly darker, and had a Saint John Ambulance sign on the door. It was also older, as much as a time travelling police box can be 'older'. Lobus Caecilius and his family were inside the house, and when there was a knock at their door, Caecilius was the one to answer it. When he  did, he saw a man who looked very similar to him, who was wearing strange dark glasses. The strange glasses man beckoned to him, and Caecilius followed curiously, but also slightly apprehensively. They walked a few paces outside the house, before Caecilius noticed something odd. 

"That's.....that's the blue box I bought this morning!" He exclaimed. 

"No, no it's not," said the man, "That's MY blue box. Yours is still inside."

"Right," said Caecilius, unconvinced, "Who are you again?" 

"I'm the Doctor." 

"Right." Caecilius repeated, struggling to get his head around the fact that they were almost identical. "But we...we...." He gestured to himself and then to the Doctor. 

"Ahh, yes. That. I did expect you to mention that. You see, I'm an alien."

"Sorry, what?"

"I'm an alien, and my body changes when I die."

"Well even if that is true, it doesn't really explain why we look the same?" 

"Yes, sorry," said the Doctor distractedly, "we haven't really got the time to go into detail. Basically I subconsciously chose this face for some emotional reason...thingy. I can't explain it in," he looked at his watch, "three minutes and seventeen seconds. Sorry."

"Why three minutes and seventeen seconds?" 

"Well, you see, past me is about to walk through the door on the other side of this house." Caecilius looked completely taken aback. 

"P..past you?" 

"Long story. I've met you before, that was how I knew your face." In response to Caecilius' confusion he added, "I'm a time traveller." As if that explained it. 

"Anyway, I was telling my friend, Clara, all about my err... time in Pompeii, and she dared me to come here and take advantage of the situation to slightly mess with my past self. Now usually I absolutely wouldn't risk it under any circumstances, but it is her birthday soon, and she said that it would be a good laugh for a birthday present. Plus, I've always wondered how you could say that past me and Donna looked similar. Well not you, it was me, I suppose. Or it will be me. Time travel, eh." He laughed, and Caecilius tried to laugh too, but he was too confused to convincingly pull it off. 

"So, could I borrow your clothes for about two minutes to prank my past self?" 

"Emmm." Caicilius' brain couldn't keep up. This was so completely absurd and random, he didn't know quite what to say. "If....if you really want to, I suppose five minutes would be ok."

"Amazing, thank you!" Said the Doctor gratefully. "And really, I am sorry for all of this confusion."

The Doctor took off his coat, and Caecilius handed him his robe. 

"Right, I'll be off then! See you in a few minutes." 

He turned and dashed inside the house, and Caecilius sat on the floor, looking completely nonplussed. 

"Positions!" Shouted the Doctor, and right on queue a man in a long trench coat stepped inside and caught a falling marble bust. He was followed by a ginger woman, who was exactly as the Doctor remembered her being. 

Doctor Who One Shots and Crossovers!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن