neuf - cavendish is bullshit

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angel had been living a life of relentless effort, balancing the responsibilities of a demanding job and the demands of her education. the previous school term had been an unrelenting whirlwind of deadlines and commitments, leaving her physically and emotionally drained.

with the new school term on the horizon, the anticipation of a fresh round of assignments and projects loomed heavily over her. the weight of her obligations felt like an anchor, threatening to pull her deeper into the cycle of exhaustion.

exhausted beyond measure, angel had a rare moment of respite. she lay on her bed, the soft hum of her room's ambiance lulling her into a peaceful sleep. her mind, once cluttered with coursework, work-related tasks, and the ceaseless tick of the clock, had temporarily relinquished its grip.

as she slept, angel's phone lay on her nightstand, awaiting its opportunity to interrupt her slumber. it was during this peaceful reprieve that two messages from maeve appeared on her phone.

the gentle buzz of the incoming texts seemed to resonate within angel's dreams. at first, they were mere background noise in her subconscious. but as the messages continued to arrive, they tugged at the edges of her mind like a persistent whisper, drawing her toward consciousness.

with each passing moment, the messages from maeve seemed to beckon her out of her slumber. they were a lifeline, a connection to the outside world, a reminder that she was not alone in her journey.

gradually, angel's eyelids fluttered open, her gaze shifting toward her phone. her heart quickened as she read maeve's messages. a picture of her tits. then a supporting 'your turn, dickhead.'

bolstered by shock, angel rose from her bed. the weight of exhaustion was still there, but it was now accompanied by a glimmer of lust. maeve's messages had pulled her from the depths of weariness, igniting a spark of motivation within her.

nevertheless, she remembered the time when they spoke about never sending nudes because they didn't understand the thrill of it all. now look at them.

with a deep breath, angel felt the stirring of want within her. she bit her lips before pulling her top over her head. she was a bit hesitant. she'd be lying if she said her body still didn't entirely feel like hers. without another thought, she undid her bra and laid back down, taking a photo on the selfie setting.

angel didn't look at it for long, knowing that if she did she'd get rid of it and leave maeve on read.

god, i wish you were here

i need you so bad, angel

angel bit her lip as she thought of what to send angel back. it's not like she's ever sexted before. but, god, when was the last time she had an orgasm?

what would you do to me if i
were there?

maeve shuddered out a breath, looking around. the hallway was empty, but sexting was about as scandalous as she was going to get so she rushed down the hall to the gender neutral toilet. it was so transgender and non binary students wouldn't be uncomfortable, but was mostly used to fuck in.

she locked the door and opened an app that she hadn't needed to use yet, ever before messaging angel.

put it in

angel groaned slightly, excited for what was to come. she knew exactly what maeve was talking about. the older of the two had ordered a vibrator that was controlled by an app on maeve's phone that she mailed to angel.

the blonde grinned as she reached into her bedside table, finding the toy before shimmying off her shorts. she didn't need any lube seeing as she was already extremely wet. it slipped in easily and rested against her clit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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