cinq - ruby's minge

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angel's alarm clock chimed softly, rousing her from a restless sleep. the room was bathed in a pale, pre-dawn light, and the world outside was still cloaked in silence. she stretched, feeling the knots of tension in her muscles. but her mind was already in turmoil. she had woken up feeling bad about herself and her body, again.

she sat up in bed, her heart heavy with frustration. these feelings were all too familiar, like an unwelcome visitor that never seemed to leave. she had dealt with them before, and she knew how destructive they could be. it was a struggle she had kept hidden from her family and friends, a secret battle that raged within her.

angel swung her legs out of bed and stared at her reflection in the full-length mirror. the voice inside her head was cruel and unforgiving, pointing out every perceived flaw and imperfection. she hated how powerless she felt against it, how it seemed to consume her every thought.

in an attempt to escape the suffocating grip of self-doubt, angel decided to go for a jog. the idea had often been a source of solace for her. she thought that maybe if she could sweat out these feelings, she would find some relief. she quickly changed into her workout clothes and laced up her running shoes.

stepping outside, the chill of the early morning air sent a shiver down her spine. but it was a welcome sensation, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside her. as her feet hit the pavement, the rhythm of her steps offered a brief reprieve from the relentless negative self-talk.

angel's path took her through quiet suburban streets, where the houses were still dark and the world felt like her own private sanctuary. with each step, she pushed herself harder, hoping that the physical exertion would silence the voices in her head. but it didn't.

as she jogged through a nearby park, the rising sun cast long shadows across her path. she couldn't help but notice the other joggers, each lost in their own world, each seemingly without a care in the world. angel longed to feel that sense of freedom, that release from the constant burden of self-criticism.

but as the minutes turned into miles, angel realised that her run wasn't providing the relief she had hoped for. her thoughts continued to spiral, and she felt as trapped as ever. she slowed to a walk, tears welling up in her eyes. she hated that she didn't know how to stop feeling this way.

defeated, angel turned back toward her home. her body felt heavy, as if every step required a monumental effort. by the time she arrived back at her front door, she was drenched in sweat and on the verge of tears.

after a long, hot shower, angel stood in front of the mirror again, her reflection distorted through the steam. she still saw the same flaws, the same imperfections that had haunted her earlier. the run hadn't magically transformed her self-image, and she knew deep down that it wouldn't.

with a heavy heart, angel got dressed for school, choosing an outfit that was designed to hide rather than reveal. she glanced at the clock and realised she still had to sit down for breakfast. eating felt like an impossible task when every glance in the mirror was a reminder of her perceived inadequacies.

as she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door, angel carried the weight of her self-doubt with her. she knew that the day ahead would be a struggle, filled with moments when she felt exposed and vulnerable. but she also knew that she couldn't give up the fight. she had faced these feelings before, and she would face them again, one day at a time, one step at a time.

first period. it was just the beginning of the school day, but for angel, it already felt like a lifetime. the clock on the classroom wall seemed to tick away the seconds with agonising slowness, and the drone of her teacher's voice was a monotonous hum in the background.

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