trois - uniformity

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the day angel decided to go back to school a uniform policy had been established. she quickly bought it and put it on, rolling her skirt above her knees ever so slightly. the house was in shambles as otis and ols argued back and forth all morning.

the soft morning light filtered through the curtains in angel's room as she stood before her full-length mirror, awkwardly adjusting her newly acquired school uniform. it was a change that had taken her by surprise- the introduction of uniforms at moordale secondary. she had always been used to choosing her own outfits, expressing her style through her clothing. now, she was presented with a neatly folded uniform that felt strangely foreign.

as she struggled to enjoy the unfamiliar feel of the uniform, her fingers fumbling with the fabric, angel couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. she had never been one for conformity, and the uniform represented a departure from the individuality she cherished.

just as she was about to give up and rip off the uniform in a rage, a soft knock on her door interrupted her frustration. she turned to see her brother, standing there with a hopeful expression.

"hey, ellie," otis greeted her, holding up a tie of his own.

angel smiled, glad for the interruption. "morning, otis. need help with your tie?"

otis grinned sheepishly, his unruly hair making him look even more endearing. "yeah, i tried watching some youtube videos, but i'm still lost."

angel chuckled, her mood brightening. "come here, OT."

otis approached, handing her the tie with a mixture of relief and gratitude. angel deftly began to work on the knot, her fingers moving with precision. she had learned to tie a tie from youtube a while ago, and it was one of the few practical skills she never thought she'd need.

as she deftly manipulated the fabric, she couldn't help but tease her brother. "happy ruby can't dress you anymore?"

otis chuckled, "don't tell her, but absolutely."

angel finished tying the knot, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "there you go, all set."

otis touched the tie gingerly, his grin widening. "thanks, angel. you're a lifesaver."

angel smiled warmly at him, feeling a surge of affection for her twin. "no problemo, otis. now, you'll look sharp in your uniform."

as otis left her room, ready to face the school day with his newly tied tie, angel turned back to the mirror. she stared at her reflection, still hating it.

with a deep breath, angel forced herself to accept that uniforms were now a part of her daily life. it was a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things, and she knew she could still find ways to express her individuality in other ways.

with newfound determination, angel straightened her bowtie one last time and headed out of her room to face the day, grateful for the bond she shared with her brother and ready to navigate this new chapter in their high school journey together.

angel caught a lift with aimee, since she had had a therapy session with jean that morning. she left the car almost instantly once they had stopped at school. angel didn't make an effort to talk to maeve as they sat together in the assembly hall.

maeve spoke to aimee about her therapy session before turning to angel. she rested her hand on angel's thigh, making her tense and move maeve's hand off of her. "are you okay?" maeve asked. angel shrugged simply. "where's jack?" she then asked at the absence of her girlfriend's best friend.

another shrug. the assembly was shit. the choir had been made to sing a song in latin then hope called in almost everyone that was wearing incorrect uniform.

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