un - moordale social pariah club

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angel woke up early, the sun barely peering through her curtains. she stretched, yawned, and rolled out of bed, landing with a soft thud on her bedroom floor. her first thought was school, and the excitement of seeing her friend, eric, and all the other people she was friendly with.

she knew today was going to be fun. she had a new skirt, a short one, which she knew was against the school's dress code. but angel didn't care; it was her way of expressing herself. she slipped into the skirt, the fabric smooth against her skin. it made her feel confident and free.

as she put on her favorite band t-shirt, she checked her phone. eric had texted her already, sending an encouraging message about her outfit. angel smiled, grateful for his unwavering support. eric was always there to boost her spirits.

with a quick glance in the mirror, angel admired her reflection. she felt good, and that was what mattered. her short skirt was a symbol of her rebellion against societal norms and expectations. it was also a reminder that she didn't exist to please others.

but then she sighed dramatically when she heard her bedroom door open.

"next door. to the left." angel said in annoyance. she knew it wasn't otis because he always knocked, so she was left assuming that it was one of her mother's flings.

"sorry." the man said as she turned around. "i'm-"

"sleeping with my mother?" angel asked with a slight smirk at the awkward laugh he let out.

"correct. awkward." he held out his hand. "i'm dan."

"and i'm not bothered." angel gave him a tight lipped smile as she walked past him out of her bedroom. "out of my room, dan!" she called out, making the frozen man move again.

she made her way downstairs to see otis at the toaster. "toast?" he asked as he held up two slices.

"oh, please." angel groaned melodramatically as she walked up to him.

the two engaged in small talk as their mother descended down the stair. "morning, darlings." jean said, making them look up.

"morning." they said in unison as otis buttered their toast.


"got some." otis nodded.


"got some." angel smiled at her mother. "toast?"

"uhm... maybe. uh, i've got clients in a few minutes." jean said, rushing around the kitchen as angel and otis locked eyes on dan. "oh, guys, this is, um-"

"dan, we've been acquainted." angel gave a tight lipped smile as dan said. "we've met."

"coffee?" jean asked awkwardly as dan shook hands with otis.

"oh, yes, please." dan said as the four of them sat down at the breakfast table.

"how old are you dan?" otis asked as both he and angel stared at the man.

"how old am i- uh, i'm 32." he answered.

"are you having some kind of preemptive midlife crisis?" angel then asked.


"mum, he rides a motorbike." the twins said in unison before rolling their eyes at one another. they hated when they did that. it my them cliché like in films and books.

"i'll take you for a ride in it, if you like." dan winked at them.

"that sounds like a really bad euphemism." angel said as otis chuckled, sipping his coffee.

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