quatorze - the small gathering

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"angel?" maeve asked when her girlfriend called her out of the blue. "i thought you were dead. i haven't seen you in ages."

"yeah, sorry. i, uhm, got into an argument with my mum and she took my phone then forced me on a hike with my dad, so." angel trailed off as she collapsed onto her bed. "a lot of old feelings were brought up, but, you know, it's cool."

"are you sure? do you wanna come down?" maeve asked cautiously, hearing angel sigh.

"no, it's fine. i'll just see you in school soon." angel mumbled.

"angel, we're going now!" otis called out, making her sigh again.

"right. i've got to go now, bye maeve. love you." angel whispered into the phone before hanging up.

angel then rushed downstairs with a deep blush on her face, realising what she had said. she ignored everyone as she picked up her bag and rushed out the door.

otis was behind her, getting his bike in confusion at her obviously flustered face. once they began riding with eric, he spoke up. "oh, i still can't believe she called me 'uptight'." he mumbled. oh, yeah. ola also broke up with otis. "seriously."

"well, you do over analyse stuff." eric said, seemingly defending ola's words.

"oh! oh, so you agree with her?" otis asked in offence.

"no! no." eric shook his head. "well, you are a bit rigid at times, don't you think?"

"i'm not rigid. i am... i am totally chill." otis argued, making angel snort in amusement. "in fact, i'm going to show you all just how chill i am. i'm going to have a small gathering of friends at our house tonight."

"no, you're not." angel deadpanned. "you're not having a party."

"no, i'm having a small gathering." otis nodded, seemingly pleased with himself. "and i'm gonna cook a roast chicken."

"don't cook a roast chicken. cooking a roast chicken is not chill." eric shook his head rapidly. "oga, who are you going to invite? you don't have any friends."

"yes, i do." otis denied.

"who?" eric asked.

"i have you and angel, and... lily."

"i don't count, i'm your sister." angel rolled her eyes. "it's practically my party too."

"lily? is lily your friend?" eric asked in confusion.

"yes, she is. i helped her vagina open up. but don't repeat that, it's confidential." otis said said quickly.

"clients are not friends, otis."


"fine. angel, you invite aimee and steve and you invite rahim and your swing bang friends." otis told the two. "i'll invite you guys and lily, and we can have a totally spontaneous, super small, chill gathering at my house tonight."

"our house." angel corrected, but nodded nonetheless. "can i invite maeve-"

"no!" otis cut her off loudly. "i don't want her there."

"why not?" angel frowned.

"because she ruined my relationship. ola broke up with me because she thinks i'm in love with maeve." otis said, catching angel off guard.

"but you're not, right?" she asked and when otis stayed silent, she turned to eric. "otis, i need to tell you something."


"so, you're avoiding maeve because you told her that love her and otis is ignoring you because he's in love with her too?" aimee asked in confusion.

"yep. basically." angel nodded as she bounced her leg up and down. "anyway. party at mine tonight. be there, please? i don't know if i can handle all of swing band alone."

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