six - study session

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"angel, dad's calling!" otis called out as his sister walked past his room. "he said he wants to talk to you."

"tell him he can suck my dick." angel rolled her eyes, sticking her middle finger up at the laptop. she had always blamed remi for the divorce whereas otis couldn't decide who to blame.

she heard otis say something to their father before walking down the stairs to the kitchen. not even five minutes later, otis came down and angel offered him a cup of coffee, which he took thankfully.

maeve had always relished the solitude of her caravan tucked away in the centre of the countryside. living alone at the age of sixteen had its challenges, but it also had its perks, like the ability to make her own rules.

this particular morning, as the first rays of dawn crept through the lace curtains, maeve stirred in her bed. the soft creaking of the caravan's wooden floor greeted her ears as she reluctantly pried her eyes open. she groaned, feeling the weight of another school day looming over her like a storm cloud.

maeve's dyed hair tumbled wildly around her face as she stretched her arms overhead. the memories of yesterday came flooding back, particularly the unexpected encounter on the old bridge by the river. angel had leaned in, their lips brushed, and the world seemed to stand still. it was a kiss that had taken both of them by surprise, a stolen moment in time. maeve had replayed it in her mind a dozen times since then, but she would never admit to herself how much it had affected her.

she swung her legs out of bed and slipped into her faded jeans and angel's jumper. the wooden floor was icy beneath her bare feet, but she welcomed the cold as it shook away the remnants of sleep. maeve moved to the small, rustic kitchen area of her caravan, pulling open the curtains to reveal the stunning view of rolling hills and the distant river.

while she prepared a quick breakfast of toast and tea, her thoughts continued to drift back to angel. they had been friends for years, but that kiss had changed everything. she couldn't help but wonder if angel had been thinking about it too.

as she headed out the door, her schoolbag slung over her shoulder, maeve couldn't deny the flutter of anticipation mixed with annoyance. she didn't want to admit it, not even to herself, but she was looking forward to seeing angel again at school. she knew that their friendship had shifted somehow, but neither of them had acknowledged it.

the journey to school was a mixture of mundane routine and vivid daydreams. maeve tried to focus on her studies, but her thoughts kept drifting to the memory of that kiss. she wondered if she should bring it up with angel or if they should pretend it never happened.

finally, she arrived at school, greeted by the familiar hustle and bustle of students. she scanned the courtyard, and there, beneath an old oak tree, was angel. their eyes met, and for a brief moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. today was just another school day, but it was also the beginning of something new, something neither of them was ready to admit but couldn't help but secretly cherish.

"hiya, maeve." angel smiled widely as she walked over to the blonde.

"uh, hi, angel." maeve gave a tight lipped smile.

the two walked together to the assembly and sat down. their bickering was cut off when the headmaster spoke into the microphone. "er, let's start today's assembly with a very special announcement. er, the winner of this year's sixth form essay competition has been decided." he started, holding up a brown envelope. "so, the, er, award goes to... adam groff." he said slowly.

angel felt how maeve deflated at the news and gently placed her hand onto maeve's knee.

"well, le-let's, er... let's give adam a round of applause as we welcome him on the stage, to, er, read out the winning entry." the headmaster said.

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