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today was the day we find out the gender of our baby. i was so unbelievably nervous and scott was too.

he's normally quiet but today he was just talking up a storm. sometimes when someone talks too much i just want to tell them to shut the hell up.

that's how i was getting today but i just know he's nervous and excited so i just shut up myself.

the venue was in new mexico and it was an outside venue.

the boys haven't told us yet how they are going to tell us but i'm excited to see what they do cause they have been taking about it like it's the next best thing.

i was doing my makeup and listening to some music. i was trying to keep my mind from running nonstop.

i was nervous and the fact that i know scott is nervous makes it worse for me.

"hey baby we are going to order the food and pick up the cookies you ordered." scott coming into the bathroom.

"okay babe. i'll probably be done by the time you guys are back." i say as he gives me a kiss before leaving.

* venue *

i finished up and got dressed as soon as scott and the boys came back from running some errands and picking up the food.

i walk up and see in the back room they had everything decorated.

what the hell.

they definitely was asking a girl for help because no way two boys did this.

"this is beautiful guys." i say as my eyes water looking at everything.

no crying val.

"thank you so much." i say as my voice cuts in and out.

"hey that's how you know if she's crying is because val's voice cuts in and out." chetta says as ruby laughs.

i slightly hit his arm.

"before we do the big reveal we just want everyone to know that this baby will be so unbelievably loved. i'm not one for that sappy shit but i love you two more than anything. i think you are going to be amazing parents and i think you guys where meant for eachother no matter what. if this is a boy or girl, just know they are so loved already it's not even funny." he says as i hear someone yell behind us.

me and scott both turn around and his mom, dad, brothers and grandma where standing there.

his brothers out of all people.

the was scott gasps and looks at me.

i had no idea about any of this.

"i'm so glad you guys could be here wow." i say giving scott's mom a hug.

"we wouldn't miss it for the world. i'm excited to see what my new grand baby is going to be." she says as i smile.

i give his brothers a hug.

"can i talk too you val?" his older brother asks.

"yeah let's go." i say as we step out.

"thank you for helping me and supporting me. i know doing it with scott was a lot but helping me and our little brother or taking jax when you can. you have no idea how badly i appreciate that val." he says as i smile.

"i will do anything for the people i love. plus how could i not want jax, he's the cutest little guy ever." i say as he laughs.

"hey that cuteness is just a front." he says.

"y'all ready to find out what this baby is?" my brother yells as the boys yell back.

fuck i was nervous i was shaking.

"okay we are going to need you two to sit out in the seats." ruby says as he take us.

he sits us in the middle and he runs back on stage.

"okay secondly when you guys are ready we are going to blow the color smoke up out of where the regular smoke comes from." he says as i smile so big.

this was definitely creative.

they had decorations on the stage for if it was a boy or a girl.

"are you ready?" i ask looking at scott.

"yeah." he says as i give ruby a thumbs up.

"okay, one, two, three." smoke comes out and it's pink.

oh my god.

"our girl baby, our girl." scott says jumping up and down.

i was instantly balling my eyes out.

holy fuck.

we are getting our girl.

all of them come running down to us and was jumping up and down with excitement.

"we get our girl." scott says over and over again.

this man was sobbing.

"congratulations baby." scott's mom says giving me a hug.

"thank you. i'm so excited. i had a feeling it was a girl the whole time." i say as she smiles.

"us mothers just know." she says.

"do you guys have any names picked out?" his grandma asks.

"we have a few but we are leaning more towards one name the most." i say.

"let's go back and enjoy this food." chetta says as we all go to the back.

i get on my phone and watch the videos back.

the way scott jumped with excitement and grabbed me. we have both said since we got together that we wanted a girl.

a girl first, maybe two girls and one boy.

all i know is seeing scott as a girl dad will make my heart explode.

i can't wait to see it.

i watch after everyone was done eating and socializing that scott and his brothers where slowly talking more and they was sharing music with eachother.

his little brother was into making beats.

i stayed busy talking with grandma.

* midnight *

as the night went on the boys performed and i was so tired from getting up so early and getting ready and all the emotions that went on throughout today so scott let me sleep while they performed.

i just took a little nap.

he woke me up and he was all sweaty.

we went back to the hotel and he requested that it just be us tonight.

we have the rest of the tour for the boys to be in our room.

so we got ready for bed and as we was laying there he was watching the videos back of our gender reveal.

"vivian marie arceneaux you are so loved baby girl." he says.

this was the girl name we picked out. we don't want to tell anyone.

my name is valarie marie chetta. soon to be valarie marie arceneaux. our baby girl is going to be vivian marie arceneaux and then there will be scott anthony arceneaux jr.

our little family.

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