•T H I R T Y - F I V E•

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"I'm so bored." I groaned, looking at the two other boys as we played Yahtzee. Our game tonight is canceled and our road trip is postponed. This weather is so strange. It's May and we just got hit with the worst blizzard in recent history.

"Go fish." Nils said, his voice flat.

"We're playing Yahtzee. It's your turn." Brock half yelled, fed up with his bullshit.

We've been so bored and we can't leave our building unless you have a death wish, and at this point I'm getting pretty close. On top of that you can only go to the gym so many times a day before you hurt yourself so I'm extra bored. Not to mention our phones are all dead.

We haven't had power in three days and which means we haven't been able to charge our phones, cook, take hot showers, have lights or even just live.

"Dude why won't the fire place work?" Brock asked, flicking the switch repeatedly.

"You have to turn on the left switch first dumbass." Nils responded.

"No it's the right then the left." Brock said, squinting to see the switches.

"Are you sure?" Nils asked, standing to help Brock out.

"Wait this one is on." Brock said, flicking the switches again.

"No up is off for that one." Nils argued.

"No way that doesn't make any sense." Brock said, checking to see if the fireplace was on.

"I don't know man I'm pretty sure it's like that." Nils spoke, flicking switches repeatedly.

"Are you just going to observe? It's your fireplace." Brock asked me.

"Guys, seriously?" I asked them.

"What?" They asked in unison.

"It's a gas fireplace." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok so you know how to work it?" Nils asked me.

"Guys the power is out. First of all you need power to use a light switch and second of all the gas doesn't work when the power is out." I chuckled.

They both stopped and looked at me. "Oh." They answered.

"Yeah." I said, walking to pick up my second book of the power outage.

"Hey guys." Elias said, walking through the door.

"Any news on power?" I asked, praying I would be able to talk to Nolee soon.

"They said we should have power in an hourish." Elias smiled.

"Really?" The guys asked, excited.

"Yeah. It's going to be so.." but before Elias could finish the lights flickered back on.

"Let's go!" Brock smiled, flexing his arm muscles then chest bumping Nils.

"Alright now that you don't have to be scared of the dark will you go back to your apartment?" Elias chuckled.

"I'm not scared of the dark." Brock said. "I'm scared of what's in the dark."

"Yeah and I'm scared of what you do in the dark." I spoke, quickly going to plug my phone in.

"Haha very funny." Brock laughed.

"We'll see you guys later." Nils smiled, grabbing his hoodie and walking out the door, closely followed by Brock.

"Thank god." Elias sighed.

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