•F I F T E E N•

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Banff was great. Hawaii was great. New York is great. But I miss Vancouver. It's concerning how much I miss it. I miss Quinn, I miss the coffee shop, and I really really miss spending down time around there.

I groaned and then rolled over on my bed. Winter has hit New York, which means fashion is slowing down, at least for me. I have a few events and trips scheduled, but I'm mostly focusing on designing new clothes.

"Nolee!" Tessa shouted from downstairs.

"What?" I asked her, standing up.

"Something came for you!" She shouted.

I ran down the stairs, curious to see what came. I didn't order anything so I have no ideas what it could be.

Once I got downstairs I noticed a beautiful flower arrangement set on the foyer table.

"I didn't ask who it was from." Tessa smiled at me.

"I bet it's from Quinn!" Quin smiled from the living room.

"Yeah it better be! Who else would send me flowers." I laughed, picking up the card. I ripped it open, looking at the note.

I'll be out of practice at 2. Call me :)

I smiled, walking up the stairs with my phone and card. I laid down on my bed, then scrolled to the FaceTime app. It rang a few times before connecting was displayed across the screen.

"Hi Nolee." Quinn said, a smile on his face.

"Hey." I answered, blush creeping across my cheeks. "Thank you for the flowers."

"Of course! I figured you'd like a pick me up." He answered.

"So what's up today?" I asked him.

"Really not much. We don't have a game and practice was extra difficult." He told me.

"You had to yell at lots of people huh cap?" I smiled.

"Well Petey, Boes, and Hog yeah. They just fool around." He said as he started pouring things into a blender.

"What do they do." I chuckled.

"Well Boes likes to skate circles around people. The guy can't stand still for more than 2 minutes, so he's never paying any attention. And Petey gets distracted by Boes so Hog tries to get him to stop but he always trips Boes so then everyone has to laugh at them." He said, shaking his head.

"I mean. It sounds like something they'd do." I smiled.

"Yeah. They can focus and take things seriously, but most of the time they are just being stupid." Quinn said.

"Are you talking about me?" Someone asked.

"Yeah." Quinn deadpanned.

"With who?" The voice asked. Suddenly the camera got all shaky, caused by what I'm assuming was Quinn throwing the phone.

"Oh it's Nolee!" Elias smiled from the other side of the phone.

"Hi Elias." I smiled down at the camera. "What are you doing?" I asked him as he seemingly walked around.

"Annoying Quinn I think." Elias spoke, looking over his shoulder before turning the camera to show me a very pissed off Quinn.

"Give me back Nolee." Quinn smiled, walking towards Elias.

"Fine. By Nolee." Elias smiled, waving at the camera. I waved in response before looking back at Quinn.

"Anyways. I was going to ask if you'll be in New York from the 5th of January to the 10th of January?" Quinn asked me.

"Uh I should be, well I can be." I smiled. "Why are you asking."

"We have a road trip to New York for those games." Quinn smiled. "So I'm going to get tickets reserved for you. Do you think your roommates would like to go?"

"I think they'd love it." I grinned from ear to ear. I stood and walked towards my bedroom door, wanting to tell the girls not to be busy. Instead of walking downstairs, I was met with four smiling faces sitting outside of my door.

"Oh hey." Tessa smiled up at me.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked them.

"Oh you know." Mar smirked.

"Just casual roommate stalking?" Quin asked me.

"Well anyways now that I don't have to go all the way down stairs you all need to make yourselves available for one night each in January." I spoke.

"Ok what nights?" Mar asked me.

"They can go to all of them, I don't mind." Quinn spoke. "But the games are on the 6th, the 8th and the 9th."

"Or make yourselves available for three nights." I said.

"We heard the generous handsome hot hockey player, we don't need you to repeat it." Quin smiled, standing and pulling Tessa with her.

"Anyways we will." Tessa smiled at me. "Mar keep stalking and let us know if anything happens."

Mar sent the two girls away with a salute, while I rolled my eyes.

"I think they're excited to meet him!" Elias shouted from somewhere behind Quinn.

"You think?" I laughed, watching Quinn's face turn beet red.

"Thats it. I'm going in my room and you better not sit outside my door." Quinn said to Elias before walking into his room. I smiled, watching him as he walked.

Quinn set his phone down then looked at me. I watched his eyes study me as I sat at my desk. I pulled out my iPad, looking through some of my sketches that I've been working on. I settled on a winter dress, a new concept for me.

"What?" I asked, my eyes never lifting from my iPad, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"I don't know." He blushed.

"Come on. You can tell me." I coaxed him.

"I want to see you before January. It's so far away." Quinn answered.

I paused what I was doing and looked up to smile at him. "Me too." I replied. It's the second week of November, and it had been almost two months since I last saw him. Of course we've stayed in touch but I miss his touch, his kiss, his hands; I miss him.

"Maybe after Thanksgiving?" Quinn asked me.

"I'm going home for Thanksgiving, so it would be easy to fly up to Vancouver after." I smiled, slowly watching the plan fall into action.

"Let's see." Quinn said, looking at his calendar to check if he had games. "We're in San Jose for the 25th if you wanted to come see that game then you could fly with us back to Vancouver for a few days, then I leave on the first for a road trip."

"That works for me." I smiled, going to put the dates in my calendar.

"Now get back to work!" Quinn fake scolded me, a smile on his face the whole time.

"You just like watching me." I quipped.

"Maybe." He answered.

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