Chapter XXXI

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Author: I need Luna, Pablo, Snuffy, Silva, and Blake carnally. I need them in ways that would kill a Victorian child.

(Y/n) wanted to curse herself out for believing that today would be a peaceful day. Right now, she was being proven very wrong in her beliefs by two people who were supposed to be adults in this facility.
"And I told you I don't want to see you eat those noodles all the time! Eat something healthy!" Anri yelled at Ego as she took the cup of noodles away from him, handing it over to (Y/n)
"And I said I will eat whatever I want. You forget that I am not a contestant here. (Y/n), give me my food."
"Take that thing away, (Y/n). And I said it once, and I will say it again, I don't car either you aren't a contestant. Eating those noodles every day is a no-go."
The girl flinched as she saw their glares intensify, and she slowly moved towards the door.
"I will go and prepare everything for the next match." (Y/n) muttered silently as she slowly opened and closed the door. And, once outside, she took in a much needed breath of air.

'So tense.... They act like they are a married couple or something.' The girl shook her head and made her way towards the room Isagi's team will have a match later.
'They have been on each other's throat more than usually. Imagine the drama that would happen if they actually were dating.' (Y/n) felt a blush spread across her face as she thought it over, absent-mindedly throwing the cup of food away.
"Well, they are the definition of opposites do attract... I wonder how that would look." (Y/n) giggled a little as she imagined them actually dating.

"I doubt it would be much different than it is now." She hummed and looked through the planner that was given to her earlier.
'So, match with Team white vs. Team red. Afterwards, I need to pick up the dirty and bring the clean laundry to the players. Oh! And help the staff prepare the special rooms for the 5 players that are visiting us in 3 days!' The girl's eyes brightened a little as she read the last part.

"I still can't believe some of the top players are visiting us! Ah! What do I say? How should I act? I can't be weird around them." She stopped walking and kept on mumbling to herself, not noticing a pair of cyan eyes observing her.
"What a weirdo." The boy muttered and moved away from his hiding spot.

"Aall donee~" (Y/n) smiled to herself as she put the last towels and extra water bottles near the bench, all ready for the players to come and pick them up when they need them.
"I still have a few more minutes till they arrive. I wonder how this match will turn out. I really don't want to be on anyone's side, but I won't lie that I want Yoichi to win." The girl sighed as her watch beeped, which confused her. Ego and Anri both knew (Y/n) will be watching over the match for today, so why were they calling her?
"Hello?" (Y/n) muttered in confusion as she answered the call.

"Come to my office. One of our guests arrived sooner than expected. We need you to do a tour around the facility with him." With that, Ego ended the call, leaving the girl in a confused state for a moment.
'One of our guests arrived... Guests... ONE OF THE PLAYERS ALREADY ARRIVED!!' (Y/n)'s eyes slowly widened as she quickly ran out of the room, both excitement and anxiety bubbling up inside of her.
"Just don't be weird, (Y/n)!" She told herself as she ran down the hallway.

Once the girl arrived in front of Ego's office, she took a moment to calm her breathing down and fixing her hair. All the while, she was telling herself not to say anything weird.
'Calm down. Whoever is inside, they are just like you... except more talented, handsome, and famous.' She gulped while knocking on the door.
"Come in." Anri's voice was heard, to which the girl obliged.
"I am here." (Y/n) smiled as she opened the door and looked inside to find Ego, Anri, and...

'Julian Loki?! Isn't he the great football prodigy of France?!' The girl thought as she coughed and closed the door.
"(Y/n), you speak English, right?" Ego asked to which (Y/n) nodded her head, trying to ignore the smiling boy.
'His smile is so adorable!' She cleared her throat, looking at the French player.
"Ah, I mean I do. It's nice to meet you. I am (L/n) (Y/n), the manager." The girl said, offering her hand to shake his.

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