4 |🕸️ The Vent Maze ⚙️

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(2773 words)
[Continuing from last chapter]

It has been a few days since the last time you exited the confines of your comfort zone.

You always were around the same zone, always on places you had already passed.

Always at Puro's side, always reading and chatting with him,even cuddling. Puro was used to you by now,he had finally fought off the feelings of wanting to assimilate you.

But one day,today, you woke up and strangely Puro wasn't there. You figured out Puro was somewhere at the library but nope,not here.

You did remember that the day before he told you something about a 'Small metal box that creates drawings of real life on a click of a button'. He was talking about a polaroid camera. Why does this matter? Because he said he had that on the ventilation system and that he could bring it to you today.

Soo, rationally,you figured out that going into the vents was the smartest decision.

And soo,you entered.

You walked trough the weird halls.

What kind of halls are these? They do not even make sense. Why would someone make a ventilation system soo large? Someone could simply walk inside of it and even do exercise. Perhaps this was intended design.

Whatever the reason was,you would soom stumble upon a room.

It was a den of sorts,large pillows on the northern wall and on the floor directly facing the entrance. It was probably Puro's dens.

Your suspicion was soon confirmed as you saw what seemed to be a handful of drawings sitting on the floor.

'It is some drawings of you and Puro cuddling eachother. You are unsure as to when Puro had the time to draw this'

The voice responded to you and you simply shrugged. You could always ask Puro later about when did he draw this.

You would put it down and lol around,it was obvious that your friend wasn't here soo you would just proceed without him.

Walking trough the maze,you would eventually come face to face with a door. Prohibiting access to what you could figure out was a intersection of three corridors.

You would then hear some locomotion from the other side.

Puro: H-human?

You: Puro?-

Puro: Oh thank orange you're here

Puro would proceed to talk for a few seconds about how worried he was you weren't going to find him and other anxiety inducing thoughts. You would have zoned out while thinking on why would Puro even say 'thank orange'..

'Such a way with words' you would simply ponder to yourself before talking over Puro.

You: How did you get stuck in there?-

Puro: Puro was searching for the camera and the door closed on me...- I don't know-

He would admit and, before you could continue the conversation you two were having,a voice would speak from the audio transmitter on the wall.

???: I closed it.

A deep voice spoke from the transmitter. It was a very deep one,one that could make your spine shiver slightly or well,if you're into it,you would find it hot.

🖤 Changed Shenanigans 🖤 (MaleReader x Changed Latex's)Where stories live. Discover now