2 | 🧸The Playground 🧸|

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(1551 words) this is honestly a totally filler chapter after I remade the first one - you can skip it if you want

You stumble into the next room, the door giving way to a half-lit reception, the lamp of the ceiling dangling about from left to right in a very slow manner as the light that it emitted allowed for the observation of the room. The walls were colored with a dark tint of green with the common presence of children's drawings ont the walls

You entered the room before the door which you entered from would suddendly slam shut. You quickly turned around to see if it was any type of creature but no. There was nothing there to have slammed the iron door so agressively unless it was from the outside.

Suddendly, an unexplainable wave of dread would wash upon you as you watched the lights flicker and flutter. You headed to what seemed to be a long hallway before noticing it lead basically to nowhere because there was a wall of cardboard boxes in the way. You attempted to push them over to make way but they were suprisingly heavy. You tried your best to push them, even moving them foward with both hands which seemed to work until you felt a sharp pain on your right hand.

You quickly pulled your hands back and looked at them, you watched as your right palm let out a small river of crimson blood.The wound burned and looked rather nasty. You looked back at the boxes and noticed you had stabbed your hand on a rusty nail that had plunged trough the weak cardboard walls of the box while you tried to push them. You held your right hand with your left one and let out silent pained breaths as you shook your hand to try and suffice the pain. You decided to not try this again.

As you held your right hand with your left hand without touching the wound, you roamed around the floor to try and find anything that could help you and your injury. This floor seemed to be some sort of playground, a place where young individuals lived before it was left to rot in this state. You found what seemed to be some kind of medical bays as you looked around. You looted said areas and eventually found what you were looking for: a bandage which you tied around your wrist. You were not really sure from where you even gained the knowledge of how to tie a bandage correctly but you somehow did- or at least you tought. It was infact, NOT well tied and still left some blood spill out nonetheless because you forgot how to tie things correctly.

You continued to inspect the area and found what seemed to be groups of small pups of both dark and light latex types. You were not really sure as to why they would be together even if they tend to be agressive against one another, but you kept roaming around, searching for possible items to acquire while stealthily roaming around the halls while trying to dodge holes and not go against any dead ends.

Weirdly, the feeling of being watched grew more and more as you went from room to room. You took a second to survey your surrounding and, for you, the walls seemed to be slowly encroching on you from the darkness. You could not see a thing in this place. It was getting darker, yet darker.

Eventually, you were spotted by the latex pups but... they did not seem to move towards you, infact, they were moving away from you. Maybe you smelt bad? (I mean what was the last time you even took a bath? Would those cryosleep chambers count as a bath?-) but no.. They seemed afraid of you weirdly enough. Altough weakily, you held your metal pipe in your hands. You looked behind you and... nothing? You looked back at the pups and they were still afraid. Most likely of you. You chuckled and simply stood fully up, casually walking over to them as they backed off with each step you took. This was not as bad as you tought. It was weird tough, they seemed so energetic! As you stood where they once where, you heard some rustling behind you. You looked and spotted some kind of figure standing just a few meters behind you. As you stood still in a defensive position, you observed the movements it made in the darkness. You expected the worst.

Then... from it... A.. Cat appeared? Some sort of weird orange cat would be infront of you, its looks seeming rather off to be a actual cat as you could swear it had some kind of human features on its face. You swear it had a soul and you swear you could see his eyes staring into your soul as well. You would let your guard down and slowly approach the cat, crouching down and looking at it as it just stood still. You noticed it had a collar with the name "Ming" on it. You reached your hand to its head and proceeded to try and pet it before it inevitably lunged at your arm. You felt as the cold embrace of the cat's latex would embrace you arm.

Quickly and out of desperation, you shook your arm agressively almost as soon as you saw the lunge. Luckily, you managed to shake it off just at the moment and proceeded to smash the goo into the wall as soon as the cat tried to attack you. You did not even think for a second before running away, unsure on how you even managed to evade such a cat. You ran to the nearest room you could, entering the room and slamming the door shut behind you. You looked around the room and saw it was just a empty room. You blocked the way with a heavy cardboard box before making your way to the door to the next room.

You would breathe a sigh of relief as you looked at the floor before looking back up at the room.

Against your wishes, you had walked into the belly of the beast. You looked around at what seemed to be at least a few dozen goo creatures of all forms. White Knights, Latex pups and goo puddles would all be in a single room. You gulped as you looked at all of them and they looked back at you. They looked at eachother just to make sure they were all seeing the same thing. And, during that moment, you made a run for it to the next door over and soon a chase took place.

You would slide down what seemed to be some sort of ramp to the floor below and simply ran for your fucking life. You quickly ran over to where the exit signs that were still operational lead you, hearing the horde quickly chasing after you. You swear you could even hear the white knights pouncing from wall to wall to chase after you. You hurried into the room that said exit and rushed over.

You speed out of the room and into the elevator right infront of you, spamming the button of the elevator that lead to the floor below as your breathing shaking as you heard the horde of small latex break trough the door and quickly sprint to your location. You held your weapon in both hands as they shook with a tint of nervoussness. You watched as the flood of beings entered in your line of sight, you prepared yourself for the worst as the doors of the elevator slowly closed. Your instincts kicked in and you climbed onto a railing on the wall of the elevator for a higher ground. You watched as the elevator doors were almost closing.

In horror, you watched as a White Knight selflessly lunged at the doors as they were almost closing and managed to fit their head in the middle of the doors, only to get his head easily sliced off at the last second when it didn't immediatly reached the sensors.

With a thud, its decapitated head hit the ground and managed to trigger the sensors, forcing the door to open back. Scared, you watched as the body started to move without its head and as the head would slowly turn into a puddle. In a last ditch attempt at survival, you opened the elevator hatch right above you and climbed outside of the elevator.

With the sound of the horde entering the elevator and it shaking violently, you would quickly survey your surroundings before finding a ventilation hatch big enough for you to fit in. Quickly, you broke it down and entered, hearing as what seemed to be a rope SNAPPED so loudly and then it being proceeded by pure silence for a few seconds.

You quickly crawled foward before hearing a loud bang at the bottom of the elevator shaft and then the vibrations set off from it.

You took a deep breath and kept going. It was over. Congratulations. You proceeded to climb a few meters before managing to fall from the vents as they made one big hole, making you drop a few meters and hit you head.

Yeowch!- Annnd you passed out-

🖤 Changed Shenanigans 🖤 (MaleReader x Changed Latex's)Where stories live. Discover now