Two Demons

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3rd person POV:

As the balls bouncing around them finally stopped, Momo and Tanjiro looked over towards Yushiro and Tamayo to hopefully make certain they were ok. "Is everyone all riAAAHHH!!!" Momo screamed as she saw Yushiro's head was ripped off by one of the balls.

"It's alright. Since he is a demon, he'll regenerate his head." Tamayo explained as Yushiro's body began building back his mouth and the lower half of his head.

"Lady Tamayo. This is exactly why I did not like the idea of joining Demon Slayers. It's because of them that we were found by demons."

"We can't guarantee it is their own fault that this had happened. This was bound to happen eventually."

Hearing this, Momo unsheathed her sword along with Tanjiro to meet the two demons. "Well, guess this saves us the problems of pulling the corpses out of the rubble." The girl laughed at this with Momo glaring at her. "Don't worry. You're gonna die quickly. Being part of the 12 Kizuki, it's amazing how much power I have with his blood coursing through our veins." The two seemed to be somewhat doped up on a feeling for Momo to notice something clearly wrong with their logic.

"I know neither of you are part of the 12 Kizuki."

"What was that?" The girl glared at her while gripping her ball in her hand.

"The real 12 Kizuki actually hold a number on their eyeballs. You might be strong, but you're not a member. Then again, you could also just be a run of the mill demon."

Hearing this last bit, the female demon shouted in anger. "YOU'RE DEAD, BITCH!" She threw the balls at Momo for her to look at the angles and saw them go to the side. However, they immediately changed trajectory to see them go right at her through all directions. Momo used her blade to slice all the balls with one being missed by her and grazing the side of her head to make her bleed from it. "WHERE'S THAT COCKYNESS NOW, BITCH!"

"You take the girl, I'll take the boy!" Tanjiro realizing what happened immediately went right for the male demon for him to scowl and use his eyes to move him to the side. What he didn't expect however, Nezuko went right towards the demon and kicked him to the other side of the area to separate him and the female demon. Getting up from the ground, the demon glared in rage at Tanjiro.

"You filthy ingrates! You contaminated my eyes with dirt! I'll kill you!"

As Momo tried to handle the female demon, she threw a ball at Nezuko for the dark haired woman to glance over and see her try to kick it. "DON'T DO IT!" Without any hesitation, Nezuko attempted to kick the ball and have up to her thigh get yanked off. "NEZUKO!"

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO WORRY ABOUT ANOTHER PERSON RIGHT NOW!" The female demon began throwing her balls again at Momo for her to try and slice them. Unfortunately, the attacks were still scraping her arms and legs. Thanks to her body's condensed muscle mass, she was able to handle this well, but was still in notable pain from the strikes. "Not bad. You're able to tank a lot of pain. But you know you could just get away from the balls if you wanna avoid getting hurt."

Momo glanced back to see Tamayo and Yushiro try to get Nezuko some help by using a medicine to increase her natural healing functions. 'Right now, I'm in perfect alignment of Tamayo, Yushiro and Nezuko. If I move away, they'll get the blunt of the momentum still.'

"Huh, well would you look at that. It's the traitor." The female demon smiled evilly as she began aiming at Tamayo. "IF I GET YOUR HEAD, I CAN GET MORE OF HIS BLOOD AND BECOME STRONGER!"

'Dammit!' Momo tried even harder to keep the attacks from hitting Tamayo now that the demon's attention was on her. 'If I was stronger, this would be easy.'

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