Brutal City Battle

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3rd person POV:

As the crash was heard, Aizawa and Mic came running out of the police station to look over towards the area they heard it. There, they saw what looked like a pale creature being thrown out of an apartment complex and sent down into the ground. Wanting to make sure whatever it was wasn't hurt too badly, both came towards the area to see the demon get up and start laughing. "AHAHAHAHAHA! Now this is a fight! Show me what you have, Demon Slayer!" The demon began running back towards Izuku for him to hop out of the hole the demon made and attack him.

The two collided with both attacking in a midair battle. Blow for slash, both matched one another as the demon continued to laugh. "Curse Breathing, Second Form: Black Rotting Flames!" Izuku gave a sideways slash to try and take out the monster's neck only to have it miss and take off it's forearm. As the demon tried to heal it, he noticed the hand wasn't healing as quickly and only at about half the level it normally is.

"What the? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?"

"I slowed your healing." Izuku landed on his feet before standing off and wiping the blood off his cheek from his first encounter with the demon and his blades. "My Breathing Style is very unique in a way that I can do certain things to your body that most Demon Slayers can't. Now, let's see if I can cut that second arm off!" Izuku stormed towards the Demon for him to pull his blades back. "Now, Third Form: Heaven's Black Lightning!" The slash downwards caused a massive thunder crack to be heard before the Demon used his unique skills to block the attack.

"You damned brat! I'll make you pay for underestimating me!" The demon's hand finally healed back for him to hold his fingers out at Izuku. "Blood Demon Art: Piecing Fingers!" In a flash, five holes were made in Izuku's body. Each was towards a specific joint in his arms to make holding his blade more difficult. "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, DEMON SLAYER! NOW YOU CAN'T HOLD YOUR WEAPONS SO EASILY!"

Izuku immediately pulled back and felt unbearable pain from the attacks to see his arms starting to bleed out. 'Damn. I got careless.'

"Hurts, doesn't it. My lord told me you have to be alive, but he never said you had to be in one piece. AHAHAHAhAHA!"

"OH YEAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Mic sent a sonic wave at the demon had to hold it's ears to avoid. In anger, he looked at Mic to begin charging. Before he could however, Aizawa wrapped a capture weapon made to look like a scarf around the demon and held him back with a street light post.

"I'm not lettig you do as you please, monster." Now furious, the demon glabbed the scarf and started pulling it towards him. With little for brute strength, Aizawa started to get pulled closer and closer. To add to some help, Midnight came down from her apartment to grab her friend with Mic joining in.

"FILTHY INSECTS! DIE!" The demon barely noticed Izuku come charging with his body spinning in a circular motion to wind up for another Breathing Form.

"Cursed Breathing, 7th Form: God's Judgement!" Having an onimous feeling from the attack, the demon tried to dodge and let it hit Aizawa's gear to burn it off him and make a large slash that wasn't physically possible with the width of the blade itself. "Just missed."

"Damned brat!" The demon sent another attack from his finger spears for Izuku to block this one and be sent into Aizawa. The pro was able to catch the young Demon Slayer and slide back.

"You should stay back, kid. We can handle it from here."

"I'm fine. I can keep going." Izuku stood up to anger Aizawa to make him grab Izuku by the arm.

"Your arm has holes in it, stay back and-" He stopped speaking midway when he noticed Izuku's arms almost completely healed from the puncture wounds. "H-how the hell did you even heal that fast?"

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