Chapter 10

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"What the hell happened?" Said Artemis as she walked into the cabin that she and Ziggy shared.

Crude remarks and phrases littered the walls of the cabin, their beds were trashed, and their belongings scattered along the floor of the cabin.


The words were painted on the wall along with random satanic symbols. "Sheila and her cronies." Ziggy stated from her place on her bed, head resting in her hips.

Artemis was pissed off, thoughts of torturing the girl in hell personally forever was seeming more better.

Ziggy's eyes landed on the torn-off cover of a Stephen King novel. "Let's Carrie her." She inquired with a smirk.


The slamming of the screw-driver and a random David Bowie song that played on the camp radio was all that could be heard in the Arts and Crafts cabin.

While Ziggy sealed the pint of paint, Artemis searched for an empty bucket and some rope to string it up.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Artemis? I can just lie and say it was just me." Ziggy questioned once she had found the supplies.

"And stay here in this dump by myself? No, thank you." Artemis said, shrugging.

"You know that's not what I mean." Ziggy muttered.

"What are you doing?"

The music had drowned out Cindy's entrance into the cabin, pulling the two friends out of their conversation.

"Art project." Ziggy stated sarcastically, while Artemis quickly shoved the rope into the empty bucket, pretending to look for supplies for drawing.

"I need to talk to you." Cindy stated as she made her way towards the two. "I'm not in the mood."

Ignoring her sister, Cindy came to a stop beside her. "Earlier, you said Mary was upset."

Artemis couldn't help but scoff at the older Berman. "Oh, so now you care?" Spat out Ziggy.

"This is serious-"

"Yeah well, it was serious earlier, and you didn't give a shit." Ziggy interrupted.

"Come on." She mumbled to Artemis as she picked up the paint.

The two girls quickly exited the cabin only to be followed out by Cindy. "Come on, you were the last ones to see her before she snapped." Cindy tried to get out an answer but the two stayed silent, marching ahead of her.

"What about drugs? Did you see any around?" Cindy asked them.

"She's a nurse, so yep." Ziggy stated the obvious.

"Well, did she mention anything?"

"Nope." Artemis answered answered.

"Guys, I'm just trying to understand what happened today."

"Who cares? It's over." Ziggy groaned, throwing her head back slightly, wanting to get rid of her sister and insisting question.

"Not for Tommy. He's still freaked out and acting weird and-"

"Maybe it was the witch." Ziggy inquired, much to Cindy's annoyance, "Ziggy..." She scoffed.

"What? That doesn't fit your carefully constructed bullshit view of the world?" Ziggy questioned.

"Why are you being like this?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because Nurse Lane was the only other person that was nice to me, and now her life is over because bad things always happen to Shadysiders." The three came to a stop in front of Cabin 5.

"Nothing just happens. There's always a reason."

"Not always a rational one. Deep down, you feel it, don't you?" Ziggy turned to face Cindy. "Seriously, Shadyside, there's something here. It's just holding us down, cursing us." She continued on.

"Ziggy, that's enough."

"You're too scared to admit it." Ziggy stopped her sister from saying anything else. "When things go bad, you just wanna explain it away."

"I'm sorry. I'm not going to blame everything on some fairy tale. Life sucks sometimes. I get that. I mean, God knows it's been hard since..." Cindy stopped herself, her eyes growing glossy as she thought about what she went to say.

"Since what?" Ziggy asked angrily.

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