Chapter 4

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"Hey, I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back." Stated Artemis, as she went outside hearing Ziggy's answer of confirmation as the door closed.

As Artemis walked towards the lake, a rustling sound caught her attention as she looked towards the sound to find Nick Goode reading on a bench.


Nick heard footsteps of someone walking closer to him, thinking it was his brother, he got ready for a shouting match but froze as he looked up.

"Your gonna catch bugs if you leave your mouth open." Said Artemis, amused by his reaction.

Nick quickly closed his mouth and turned back towards his book, trying to hide his blush. As Artemis went to sit beside him, he breathed heavily to calm himself as he felt like he was sweating because they were sitting next to him.

"I-I'm Nick, Nick Goode." He stuttered.

Artemis smiled to be polite, "Artemis Morningstar."

It was quite for a few seconds as they were in their own worlds. "What book is that?" She asked, nodding to his lap as he looked up. "Oh, uh, Carrie by Stephen King." Said Nick.

"Are you new because I haven't seen you before or haven't heard of any person moving to this town?" Asked Nick as he stared at Artemis.

"I just here to join camp. My father wanted me to experience the nature and other kids. Be social and all, you know." Said Artemis, but inside she was pissed because she liked her city life in the club Lux in Los Angeles and she rather not deal with little kids who scream their heads off at any chance, but she had her duties.

Nick nodded, saddened about how she was not moving to the town, but thought it was for the best due to the town's behaviour. Nick watched her as the sunlight gave her a certain glow, making her look ethereal. "Beautiful." Said Nick unexpectedly as he quickly moved his hand over his mouth. Cursing in his head of just blurting out his thoughts and questioning why him.

"Thanks." Said Artemis, amused by his blurting. Jolting, she felt an ominous energy nearby in the forest and quickly made an excuse to leave saying that she was tired.

Nick stared as she walked away, 'Nick stop, you've got the inheritance to think about. Father would've wanted you to make the family proud and not be silly over a girl.'


It was silent, the only sound was from the rustling of leaves from the wind as the only light came from the moon that had seeped through the trees. The shadows grew as Artemis stepped lightly from the dark, looking around the area.

"You can come out now~" she said playfully, not showing any weakness in her posture.

Across from her, two demons stepped out from behind the trees. Artemis hid her disgust at the two, infront of her was two decaying corpses that the demons killed to use as a flesh bag to walk around as a disguise.

"So, you gonna tell me who summoned you scumbags." Artemis said mockingly as she faked a smile at them. The demons stood silently, knees bent as if ready to pounce as they stared at Artemis.

Artemis's temper grew thin as they didn't answer, "Tell me, who summoned you." She commanded, her eyes glowing red.

They demons began to feel pressure everywhere as if the command was trying to force them to spill every word but they had manage to break out of it and ran towards the surprised Artemis with their claws out, intending to cut her into pieces.

As Artemis dodged, her mind was jumbled, questioning how they could resist a command from a royal. Despite having brothers, Artemis knew they were not truly blood related but because of their power they were named princes. Royalty could command the lesser demons, the princes could sometimes shake it off but for nobles it was more rare to shake off the commands.

As Artemis mind scrambled for an explanation, she quickly dodged backwards from a swipe towards her.

Artemis watched her surroundings, keeping an eye on the demons that had begun circling her. Demon 1 began running towards her, arms ready to punch but she managed to dodge left and right before swerving between it's arms and punching it in the stomach and then kicking it across the temple which caused the demon to collapse unconscious.

Artemis quickly kneeled, dodging the punch to her head as she faced demon #2. Stretching out her leg and with all her strength, she swept the demon to the ground causing it to crash onto the floor.

Artemis quickly got up and intended to knock the demon out but was grabbed and thrown onto the floor next to them. Grunting from the impact, the demon quickly got on top of her, holding her down so she wouldn't fight back. Artemis wiggled around as the demon sneered down at her, drool dripping out of its mouth as it opened its mouth as if to take a large bite out of her.

Using her lower body strength and flexibility, Artemis quickly kicked him away into a few trees. "Gross." she said, in disgust, the thought of the demons drool and mouth touching her was disgusting, like seriously hygiene for demons don't exist cause their so dumb, that or they don't care.

Artemis stood and walked towards the demon to finish it off as it tried to remove the branches that had managed to pierce through their body. It was evident that they were panicking as she got closer because they were quickly trying to get up only to fall again due to the branches and the pain.

As she was about to kill the demon, Artemis flew into a tree which was knocked down with her. 'Shit.' she thought as she saw the first demon awake, no longer unconscious. Moaning from the pain, Artemis tried to stand up slowly.

"That's it." She said, pissed off from being thrown into a tree.

Artemis lifted her hand, watching as the struggling demons were lifted into the air. "My brothers will deal with you." She said, as she snapped her fingers, watching as the demons burst into blue and black flames screaming.

Running her hands through her hair, Artemis was frustrated that she couldn't get any information but was able to feel another demonic aura in the area before it was gone as if it didn't exist.

"Damn it, my clothes." said Artemis, noticing her dirtied ripped clothing beyond repair. Snapping her fingers, she changed her outfit so no one would question what happened and decided to go back to the cabin to sleep off the headache from the demons.

"Fuck it, I'll deal with this shit later."

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