Chapter 6: New Discovery

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Should be less than two hours until Niu meets them, the one she has been looking forward to the past two days. The sun this morning seems to be brighter than usual, clear blue skies, warm oolong tea, what a perfect way to start the day. Not to mention that she has already checked and finished some of her work for the next few days which makes her able to let the right hand person handle the shop.

Just as Niu's luck, the golden morning hour breaks because of the sound of her phone ringing. Niu rolls her eyes and lets out a heavy sigh just by seeing the contact name. The fourth child, Quan's younger brother, Xiao Bèi. Obviously, she knows where the conversation is leading to.

"Hello?" Niu greets first once she picks up the phone.

"Hey, can you send me some money? Quan told me that he will return it back later." Xiao says like he is in a rush. Knowing that he doesn't have any work on weekends and hearing this kind of voice tone is obviously annoying for Niu. What makes it even worse is that Quan never told her anything about it and unfortunately she never can get used to it.

"Sorry to say Xiao but Quan doesn't tell me any–" The sentence is not finished yet but Xiao already cuts in. This is one of their favorite behaviors on how they treat Niu, never listen and always want to be listened to.

"Ya ya ya, I'll wait til ten." And the way he speaks doesn't have any respect like that, absolutely annoying and irritating for Niu or any other people. But again, Niu can't say anything or fight back so she just closes her eyes tightly and holds her breath in order not letting her anger overflow.

After that, Xiao hangs up the phone right away with a smug and proud face before waiting for any reply from Niu. He lights up his cigarette then makes another call with someone else. Not long after, the person who he is calling picks up his call.

"Hey, I'll be there. It's on me tonight." He only needs to say that one sentence arrogantly toward a certain someone then hangs up the phone.

"Where are you going tonight?" A female voice comes behind him but Xiao doesn't bother to look toward the source.

"Extra errands." He says and still types something on his phone. Slowly that woman approaches him and gives him a back hug, a sensational one which makes Xiao's grin grow wider and puts his phone down immediately.

"Last night was amazing~" She says seductively and finally Xiao turns around to face her. Without any warning, he closes the distance and nuzzles his face toward that woman's neck.

"Hey... it tickles..." It makes her giggle and playfully slaps Xiao's shoulder.

"Where's my breakfast?" Xiao then pulls his face away only to look at her with a face that is full with lust. Now both of them are grinning to one another until that woman pulls him to get back inside the bedroom, giving him what he just asked her for.

Back to Niu's side, she sits there with eyes closed tightly, trying to calm herself down. Taking a deep breath, holding it for a few seconds, and slowly letting it all out. Her emotion, the anger, keeps boiling hard whenever it comes from Quan's siblings even though she has been treated like this for more than a decade. Another phone call comes in and before she answers that, she looks toward the contact's name. Thankfully, it's coming from someone who is very welcome in her life.

"Hello?" Niu speaks up first.

"Hey, sist. It seems like Quan won't be able to go back home this weekend because he planned a meeting with my boss this afternoon. It's around two if I'm not mistaken." Enlai informs while he is cooking his breakfast. Rice porridge with chicken breast slices along with lots of vegetables on it, one of Enlai's favorites. Hearing that information, it makes Niu's uneasiness go away a little bit. By knowing that her husband won't be around when her kids come back which means she can spend all of her time with them even though it's just for two days.

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