Chapter 9: The Shattered Rumor

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Still on Sunday morning, there is a bright and clear sky scenery in Park, a perfect place where a lot of people spend their time there too. One of those people, there is a man wearing a hoodie with his hood up, listening to music through his earphones, and his body covered with sweat from his morning jogging. None other, that person is Enlai. Seems like he has been jogging for a while because right now his breath becomes a bit unsteady. He heads toward the nearest bench that caught his sight to rest for a little bit and drinks his energy before going back home.

Not long after he stays there for a while, enjoying the park view, Enlai recognises someone from a far distance on the same road that looks familiar to him. A female. She wears casual clothes, not suitable for exercising, meaning that she comes to this park only to enjoy this relaxing atmosphere. He squints his eyes in order to get a better sight and to make sure what he caught is correct. Fortunately, that woman walks toward Enlai's direction so he doesn't need to stand up and follow her from behind. It turns out, he is right. That person is familiar to him because she is one of the objects he has been investigating, the third child of Bèi's family, Liao Bèi.

Such a rare view if it's according to what he hears from people around in Lijiang, especially in their residential area. Liao Bèi, who is married to a strict husband and barely gets a chance to go outside, can walk around in the Park alone even without her kids around. There is a grocery bag hanging on her right shoulder which Enlai concludes that she probably just went shopping somewhere nearby for her family. Enlai doesn't want to look like he is a stalker or some weirdos who keeps looking and watching her from afar. However, he still wants to know how come on Sunday morning, where most likely her husband must be at home right now, but she can wander around freely like this. A snowball's chance in hell.

How lucky Enlai can be, from all of the benches that are empty in this park, Liao sits on the bench that is only a few steps away from him. Moreover, aside from how many people are around and their distance, he is still able to hear Liao's voice even if it's just slightly unclear. Sometimes Enlai glances at her and catches that she seems to be fond of something that is going on her phone. To be more precise, she is texting with a certain someone with that wide smile on her and giggles frequently. The texting lasts for a few minutes until she brings her phone close to her ear.

"Hello?" Liao greets with a bright smile but she looks like trying to endure and cover her happiness to answer the phone. Who could this person be to make such a gloomy person like Liao be this happy this early in the morning? Is it Quan?

"Yes, I'm already here, Jagi~" Another reply from Liao with such a playful voice tone which automatically makes Enlai's eyebrows furrow and glances at her for a second. That sounds completely odd and the opposite from what he heard from the rumors around. What goes around is that she doesn't have a quite harmonious relationship with her husband because he is just too strict with the family. However, what caught his attention more is what she just called that other person. Why would she speak like Korean lovebirds?

While Enlai is busy with his mind, suddenly Liao gets up from her seat and thankfully Enlai can get back on track quickly. He waits for at least a few seconds before tailing her in order not to make such an ambiguous movement in public. Based on what he heard from Liao's short conversation earlier, it seems like she is planning to meet someone in this park. Hence, there is no need for him to get closer.

After walking for a bit, Liao puts her phone back into her pouch and there is an ear-to-ear smile on her face. Enlai looks a little bit in front of her direction, trying to predict who that mysterious person is. However what he found out is that a car with white on black plate parked at the side of the road. That plate means the car is owned by a foreigner. Obviously this is such a surprising discovery that makes Enlai even more curious, wanting to dig more about it. When he is about to take a picture of the plate, a phone notification suddenly pops up. It's a call coming from Dwei which automatically closes his camera application. At the same time, there is no way he is going to reject a call from his boss, right? What a luck.

My Triumphजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें